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Forums - Sony Discussion - PLAYSTATION Nation -The Legend


How does this make you feel?

Happy 549 70.38%
Sad 17 2.18%
Scared 4 0.51%
Excited 4 0.51%
Angry 2 0.26%
Awful 7 0.90%
pezus said:
Serious_frusting said:
pezus said:


Weedlab said:


Never heard of Croc o.O

You have got to be joking me? Really? you have heard of gex but not croc? Dear oh dear.

Nobody's perfect. I aint nobody!!!

Killzone 2. its not a fps. it a FIRST PERSON WAR SIMULATOR!!!! ..The true PLAYSTATION 3 launch date and market dominations is SEP 1st

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Serious_frusting said:
pezus said:
Weedlab said:
pezus said:
I'll have Crash vs. Spyro vs. Tomba vs. Klonoa then. Never heard of or saw Tomba and Klonoa though back in the day lol.

Don't forget this guy. He was heavily requested by fans to be in PSASBR, and although the series was multiplat it was more associated with Playstation. Never played it though. xD I just heard it was a platformer.

Alright. Crash vs. Spyro vs. Tomba vs. Klonoa vs. Gex

What about


Ape Escape




And Peter Pan



If not peter pan then oddworld

Your missing Jersey Devil.

Beyond: Two Souls will be a 10 hour game with multiple endings.

Also here is the new trailer!!



Yes, of course I've heard of "The Last of Us". And to answer your question, no, platformers weren't all the rage when Jak & Daxter came out. First person shooters were, and had been since the previous generation. And to take that even further, the "next big thing" at the time, was 3D Grand Theft Auto type games. And wouldn't you know it, they took Jak 1, which was actually fairly original and inspired, and turned Jak 2 and 3 into GTA clones, instead of sticking with the setting and vibe of the original. So if your point was.....well.....basically MY point, in that Naughty Dog follows trends, then sure, you're right.

But my OTHER point, was that at least they used to make games that were fairly unique. Crash, while obviously made for Sony to give them a "Mario and Sonic" type character, gameplay-wise still managed to be different enough from Mario and Sonic to stand out on it's own, and thus it was actually pretty cool. Same with Jak & Daxter 1. But hey, you know're also correct at least partly, in that I'm just personally really tired of ALL of these games that overuse the "realism" + shooting stuff formula. It's beyond old. I never said Uncharted was a BAD game or series. I'm not a fan, but I wouldn't call it "bad". I'd just say it absolutely doesn't appeal to me, so I'd love to see ND make something new that actually DOES appeal to me.

*In regards to current poll question*

The biggest thing about PS4 that I am excited for is the possibilities for third parties to hit the ground running. The PS2 and PS3 were frustrating to wait until everyone could crack the system's power. This time I hope we can see strong third party offerings in the first year.

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A new big unannounced Vita game ;)

pezus said:

You're free to shoot me in the face, but I'm actually quite excited to see the next-gen FIFA's and CoDs . Will be nice to finally get a refresh of tired visuals.

I will buy FIFA as well and have no problem saying so.  I get 1-2 each generation.  I usually pass on first entry or two as they iron out issues adjusting to a new generation though.  So, FIFA 16 and 19 likely in my future.

Gentlemen, I'm just letting you know of my most recent acquisitions. If anybody is interested in coop for SS you know where/how to find me. ;)

Now .... back to my self imposed exile. xD

By the way .. Guacamele .. I <3 that game. Non stop playing!


Playstation = The Beast from the East

Sony + Nintendo = WIN! PS3 + PSV + PS4 + Wii U + 3DS

I didn't see any secrets.

Uncharted PS4 gets my vote, but GT6 would be bigger for PS.
I think it's certain we'll get a release date, so I couldn't vote for that.

I would like to see a vita price cut, but I really would love some new 3rd party exclusives for the PS4 :D