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If there was one thing that sucked graphically in inFamous 2, it was draw distance, it was all blur after a couple hundred meters.

So it is happening...PS4 preorder.

Greatness Awaits!

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DD_Bwest said:
you guys are just killing me.. this will be a long week

i wont be getting infamous day one, actually i doubt i will get it until end of april or may comes along. and if DriveClub hits PS+ then i still wont get it until later. i have a lot to play and finish. i need to finish GTA5 (dont have a copy of the game now) Beyond Two souls, TLoU left behind, as well as my other PS4 games. im starting to sink a lot of hours into killzone shadow falls online so infamous will have to wait and my wallet is thankfull.

EB1994 said:
Raven722 said:
Just saw the third power in a video. Freaking sexy. My favorite up to this point as far as how it looks.

I saw 2 gifs. One when he does the normal dropping from a high point and punching the ground and one when he uses one of the special moves in the power skillset.

It looked awesome. I wonder what type of energy source it has though...Like what will you have to suck up to use the power. Anyways, can't discuss it here as that might spoil the power.


people, put spoilers when talking about infamous, i personally dont mind reporting anyone who doesnt.

Just as a heads up, do not watch any videos on Worldsfactory if you don't want potentially key moments of the story ruined! There is a video on there that seems to take place late into the game and it may very well be the lead up to the final scene. I won't say why it seems that way and it may not be the case but I just wanted to warn anyone who may believe it's harmless to watch the videos because it seems like they're all around the beginning. They're not.

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man after seeing those infamous screen shots i hope every PS4 game gets downgraded

There's a bunch of people streaming infamous right now.

so did sony send out a bunch of copies early for viral marketing? getting gamers talking about it, getting the hype going? it seems so many have it.

I am Torgo, I take care of the place while the master is away.

"Hes the clown that makes the dark side fun.. Torgo!"

Ha.. i won my bet, but i wasnt around to gloat because im on a better forum!  See ya guys on Viz

DD_Bwest said:
so did sony send out a bunch of copies early for viral marketing? getting gamers talking about it, getting the hype going? it seems so many have it.

I dunno, but it seems odd that so many people have it and are streaming. Might be a good plan if true. 

DD_Bwest said:
so did sony send out a bunch of copies early for viral marketing? getting gamers talking about it, getting the hype going? it seems so many have it.

I doubt it, since they have been really quiet about certain powers and the embargo for reviews doesn't lift until release. Why keep so many things in the game secret to just let them leak out? My guess is because the game went gold pretty early (around the same time as Titanfall), therefor the game probably got shipped to a lot of stores earlier than normal, increasing the leaks.