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pezus said:

But many here are saying 25-35:

"Steam has me clocked in at 39, on Normal. 
I have no idea how the guy above me did 25-30 and completed everything. Even I skipped a few quests at the last chapter."


The Witcher 2 is a big game, even if the third act is just thrown there like nothing. Fourty hours is more adecuate, as in Story + Sidequests. Something like 25 hours mean that you rushed through the Story

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Mmmfishtacos said:
bananaking21 said:

no, that is just something only sony fans do. at least that is what the forum keeps telling me. 

Do you even know what i'm talking about banana? How does christmas work where you're from?

honestly i have no idea, but your message fit perfectly for my troll joke post.


Christmas, well, here it has a lesser footprint on the country due to most of the population being muslims, not christians. but still we get an official holiday and days off due to christmas. malls put up decorations and shops have discounts. From what i seen, the christians here try to celebrate in the same manner that americans do, as in try to do the same stuff. 

So guys, I got 500 dollars. Lets start building me a pc. What can we do?

pezus said:

Mass Effect took me like 14 hours.

I thought it was too short, though. ME2 was longer, something like 25 hours. That was a good length. The Witcher 2 is also a good length. Something like 25-35 hours.

Yea, western rpg's are bit more okay in length if you don't do all side missing. I stick to main story mostly in ME1 (19 hours), ME2 did mostly everything thing (34 hours) and ME3 just main game (28 ish). 

The JRPG's are usually much longer. The one Wright mentioned is an exception. I guess it is just a matter of getting started, once you are into the game, time flies. 

I tried Witcher 1 and combat was kind of bad..err different. I'll give it another go, if not i'll just move to 2nd one. 

Edit: Oh yea. Am playing my first fantasy game. FF9...i feel so noobish. 

bananaking21 said:
Mmmfishtacos said:
bananaking21 said:

no, that is just something only sony fans do. at least that is what the forum keeps telling me. 

Do you even know what i'm talking about banana? How does christmas work where you're from?

honestly i have no idea, but your message fit perfectly for my troll joke post.


Christmas, well, here it has a lesser footprint on the country due to most of the population being muslims, not christians. but still we get an official holiday and days off due to christmas. malls put up decorations and shops have discounts. From what i seen, the christians here try to celebrate in the same manner that americans do, as in try to do the same stuff. 

So they max out their credit cards to try to please the spoiled brats they raise to only have them hate them again before the end of the day? Awesome. 

So i take you're muslim?

Around the Network
the-pi-guy said:
Mmmfishtacos said:
So guys, I got 500 dollars. Lets start building me a pc. What can we do?

How far do you want to go with it?  

A decent start, I'd like to get graphics comparable to ps4. But i also want to be able to upgrade it over time. 

green_sky said:

I tried Witcher 1 and combat was kind of bad..err different. I'll give it another go, if not i'll just move to 2nd one. 

If you can't get into it, as they totally improved The Witcher 2's combat system, you can also read The Last Wish and Sword of Destiny (And, if you are still not satisfied, Blood of Elves, Times of Contempt and Baptism of Fire), and you can go fresh to TW2.


EDIT: Which I thoroughly recommend you to do. Geralt de Rivia's saga is an incredible piece of well-written, witty fiction.

Mmmfishtacos said:

So they max out their credit cards to try to please the spoiled brats they raise to only have them hate them again before the end of the day? Awesome. 

So i take you you're muslim?

LOL. dont know about that, christmas here isnt commercialized as much as it is in the USA. funnily enough most of the commercialization is due to the american media and its effect on how the country views christmas, as it also effects how its celebrated. and yes i am muslim.

also about your PC, arent you buying it in march?

bananaking21 said:
Mmmfishtacos said:

So they max out their credit cards to try to please the spoiled brats they raise to only have them hate them again before the end of the day? Awesome. 

So i take you you're muslim?

LOL. dont know about that, christmas here isnt commercialized as much as it is in the USA. funnily enough most of the commercialization is due to the american media and its effect on how the country views christmas, as it also effects how its celebrated. and yes i am muslim.

also about your PC, arent you buying it in march?

No, I wanted to build it over time till march. But it looks like i may be able to spend 500 dollars to kick start it. 

the-pi-guy said:
Mmmfishtacos said:
the-pi-guy said:
Mmmfishtacos said:
So guys, I got 500 dollars. Lets start building me a pc. What can we do?

How far do you want to go with it?  

A decent start, I'd like to get graphics comparable to ps4. But i also want to be able to upgrade it over time. 

Do you have any parts already?  

Perhaps some that you can salvage from a different PC?  

Nothing that would be of any value. I may be able to get a tower and possable for DDr3 from my uncle.