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I'd like to give a special thank you to gooch. Without you this would have never happened. I take back saying you need a shrink.

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Cerny after seeing UK sales :

Predictions for end of 2014 HW sales:

 PS4: 17m   XB1: 10m    WiiU: 10m   Vita: 10m


I can't choose and you can't make me! Hmph! TLoU may be the game of the generation, but for me, Nathan Drake is the character of the generation. A character almost anybody can identify with and enjoy playing as. So ..... tie, bitches. =D


Playstation = The Beast from the East

Sony + Nintendo = WIN! PS3 + PSV + PS4 + Wii U + 3DS

When will PSn plus PS4 free games be updated? Considering I don't have my PS4 yet and want to download the free games (no PSN plus member at the moment). If they rotate the games at 15 december then I can get a PSn plus a few days before and put in my cart =p.

Hello Guys, need ur help. At least I am one of the german guys who get the Killzone Shadowfall Mega Bundle on the 23th of December. :/ Sure, I can wait... but what games to buy?
I have Killzone, Resogun, Contrast .. i will buy FIFA .. wanted to have a Racing Game, so theres just Rivals? Is it worth the money? And i need a second Shooter.. CoD or BF4 is the question .. for now i'm going with CoD because i think the gameplay of KZ and BF is more likely than KZ and CoD .. i think the second "team" of games is more different.. what are your opinions?

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COR3ZKO said:
Hello Guys, need ur help. At least I am one of the german guys who get the Killzone Shadowfall Mega Bundle on the 23th of December. :/ Sure, I can wait... but what games to buy?
I have Killzone, Resogun, Contrast .. i will buy FIFA .. wanted to have a Racing Game, so theres just Rivals? Is it worth the money? And i need a second Shooter.. CoD or BF4 is the question .. for now i'm going with CoD because i think the gameplay of KZ and BF is more likely than KZ and CoD .. i think the second "team" of games is more different.. what are your opinions?

I won't be getting NFS: Rivals till christmas, but I've heard pretty good things about it.  Imagine it would be worth it.  Can't comment on COD or BF since I don't have them.  Will have BF at chrismas too.  

Do you like Assassin's Creed?  IMO, Assassin's Creed: Black Flag is about tied with Assassin's Creed 2 for best in the series.  Plus there is a lot of content in Black Flag.  And the icing is that it's 1080p and is stunningly gorgoeus. 

Their are used Rivals copies on Amazon and they are going for around 48 euro. Considering every retail store is still selling it for 60 € or more it is maybe a idea to get it from Amazon.

GamechaserBE said:
When will PSn plus PS4 free games be updated? Considering I don't have my PS4 yet and want to download the free games (no PSN plus member at the moment). If they rotate the games at 15 december then I can get a PSn plus a few days before and put in my cart =p.

I don't think the ps4 free games will be updated anytime soon.  It will likely just be Resogun and Contrast till January or February plus discounts that they give us. They might end up taking out Contrast by the end of december or so and adding another in it's spot.  

i'm not really a fan of AC, i always liked the story, but gameplay was way to easy .. but i really like the setting of black flag..
i ordered rivals for 61€ now (yeah, germany is expensive! :D) - so there is just the questions between bf and cod.. can someone tell me whether killzone changed its gameplay style (i mean the realism like bf has) into cod style (more precised)?

I've always prefered the playstation brand,but even I'm surprised about how good the ps4 is doing so far.