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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Team NintenDomination - Tbone51 Major N


Tbone51 now running NintenDomination!!! XD

Yay 9 50.00%
Horay 1 5.56%
Fiddle Dee 3 16.67%
woot Woot 2 11.11%
Awwh I love you <3 3 16.67%
sethnintendo said:

I think he might be a sex offender....  So that might fit right in with NintendoPie!

That site has to be the most boring place I've seen in the entire world. (The one forum you posted before this new link.)

Besides, that kid always seemed like a sex offender. He had that type of voice. It was creepily high.

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NintendoPie said:
sethnintendo said:

I think he might be a sex offender....  So that might fit right in with NintendoPie!

That site has to be the most boring place I've seen in the entire world. (The one forum you posted before this new link.)

Besides, that kid always seemed like a sex offender. He had that type of voice. It was creepily high.

The Sega forum?

sethnintendo said:

The Sega forum?

Yup, that forum. 

All that thread consisted of was people saying "inb4lock!" Then a Mod came in and locked the thread due to the OP making a touchy subject. It seemed really boring. (At least that one thread did.)

I think I'm REALLY behind, I haven't browsed any threads for like a week before today. I can guess what's going on though. There's a vote on who's going to be sacrificed to the volcano god in order to stave off his rage for another year. I'm close right?

I'm the result of someone exclusively playing Final Fantasy XI from the PS2 release till 2010, and only stopping for small bouts of catch up. 

3DS Friend Code: Tate - Uh.. stuff happened... I need to get a new 3DS 

Switch FC: SW-3272-7705-6029

If you add me, please let me know so I can add you back. =D

FFXI Character: Formally Tatewaki of Cerberus, Now Arngrim Of Sylph.  Retired forever. ; ;

FFXIV Character: Tate Raken of Hyperion

All time favorite game: Chrono Trigger. 

All time favorite Manga: One piece... Followed by Ranma 1/2. 

sethnintendo said:
osed125 said:
sethnintendo said:

Now he should be our king!

I think he might be a sex offender....

If that's true then...

Nintendo and PC gamer

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Wanna be added too!!!

Here is some logos for you all to vote on in the morning.


NintendoPie said:
sethnintendo said:

The Sega forum?

Yup, that forum. 

All that thread consisted of was people saying "inb4lock!" Then a Mod came in and locked the thread due to the OP making a touchy subject. It seemed really boring. (At least that one thread did.)

lol yea that thread seemed pretty lame.  I liked the one guy that came in bitching about others saying inb4lock.

RolStoppable said:
Maris said:
You never added me in that other thread. I feel so unloved! D':

Don't worry, you will be loved plenty, because there has already been a lot of talk that we need females to breed.

...Perhaps NintendoPie was right. On the other hand I guess I shall reign supreme then.

Maris said:
RolStoppable said:
Maris said:
You never added me in that other thread. I feel so unloved! D':

Don't worry, you will be loved plenty, because there has already been a lot of talk that we need females to breed.

...Perhaps NintendoPie was right. On the other hand I guess I shall reign supreme then.

You should be the queen of the Nitendomination....the problem is that your "husband" would be a 14 years old kid...

Nintendo and PC gamer