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Forums - Gaming Discussion - So looking back, what was the best console last gen?

Personally, my favourite experiences in the last generation were (pretty much) all Gamecube exclusive games ...
The PS2 was the system I used the most ...
The Dreamcast had more interesting and unique gameplay experiences in its short life than most systems had in the generation ...
Didn't own an XBox ...

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Definitely GameCube for me, a lot of good stuff there. I actually like PS2 a lot better than PS1, but still I'd rate Dreamcast above it. Xbox by far in last, and unsurprisingly it's the one of the four I don't own.

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The best console for games? The PS2. The most powerful? The Xbox.

It was PS2-only for me last gen, while I've got both systems this time around.

Gamecube. It had Mario Sunshine and SSBM on it. I don't need to say any more.

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The PS2 had the most good games, but I would not have been able to do without the Nintendo exclusive games. But I would say that the PS2 barely edges out the GameCube.

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For me it was the GBA. So many happy memories and so many great games.




The PS2 was the weakest hardware, but had the strongest, most varied lineup.

The gamecube and x-box both had great games, but they both also had serious holes in their library.

I can't believe Sony's dropped b/c for the PS3!! Such a nutty move.

Machina-AX said:
Dolla Dolla said:
Machina-AX said:
Lots of people saying GC, I wonder why it didn't sell more.

Did you forget where you are, and the majority of the preferences here?

PS2 hands down, no question.

I always thought the majority preference was just for the Wii this generation, I didn't realise itwent back to the GC. Guess I was wrong.

I think the fact that the wii's selling so well means nintendo fans are more likely to be drawn to a sales site.

 I'm surprised at how popular the GC seems to be here too though.

highwaystar101 said:
MontanaHatchet said:
The Playstation 2 was easily the best.

Any other choice is absurd.

How so?


I would have to agree with Montana. A RolStoppable mentioned, objetively, PS2 is the obvious choice ue to its sheer amount of great games that cover every genre. Simply put, while the GC had some great high quality games, the PS2 had MANY great high quality games.

Quantity + Quality > Quality


@those who are suprised by the results here: There are a lot of de-hard Nintendo fans here on VGchartz. Not being a huge Nin fan myself, I find it a somewhat refreshing escape from the chest beating comparisons between PS/XBox fanboys. Heh, i it weren't for this site. I'd probably never have given the Wii a second chance.