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Forums - Gaming Discussion - These forums will be hilarious if Next Xbox is more powerful than PS4


Would the meltdowns be epic?

Yes 237 59.25%
No 107 26.75%
Maybe 53 13.25%
Chark said:
JayWood2010 said:

Where did you guys think i was going with this?  I am just explaining what Shared Memory means, nothing else.

I don't know, it's just that you are downplaying the value/importance of the memory. Sure graphics cards and especially the one probably used in the PS4 are never going to fully use the RAM straight into graphics but that quanitity and at that quality is really important. The PS3 used 256mb/256mb for everything, OS, graphics, and otherwise. I think this is a big thing for game development and we will see what kind of effects it will have on if not the graphical performance, the development environment.

What GDDR5 means for the GPU is that it won't be limited by its bandwidth speed. So more of that 1.8 tflops is actually usable, resulting in much better games. Slower RAM would make it harder to access the power of the GPU or limit it entirely. Since the PS4 will be GPU heavy, this is great. A gaming PC would never crank out the power out of the PS4's GPU like a dedicated system will with minor customizations. So really we should be expecting the PS4 to run well above the established PC benchmarks for this hardware.

No im not downplaying anything.  Whether it is 4gb or 8gb it is a massive jump over 256MB.  256MB isn't even enough to allow cross game chat.  But people are not realizing what shared memory means either as you can see in this thread alone.  It isnt all towards dedicated memory.  

And to Turkish above you.  2GB reserved for the OS.  


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So MS is going to start all over again? New GPU, new CPU, New Ram.............

The consoles will be near equal, dev have already said it. MS will have some better features, Sony will have some better features.
What I enjoy is the fact 360 fans are expecting so much.........

 Next Gen 

11/20/09 04:25 makingmusic476 Warning Other (Your avatar is borderline NSFW. Please keep it for as long as possible.)

It doesnt matter which is more powerful all that matters are the gamesz

Well if Microsofts next X Box would have better specs that would burn a hole in my life so deep, that i must troll in every microsoft relatet thread as much as possible to give my crappy life a new reason to be still there.

NintendoPie said:
platformmaster918 said:

not really.  Seems like every time I say something positive about it I get shot down or doubted.  Apparently it's a crime to be excited for the first system from your favorite console manufacturer in 7 years.  I didn't treat the WiiU like this because even though I knew it wasn't a big leap compared to 360 and PS3 it was a big leap from the Wii.  MK, DKC, Mario, Zelda, Metroid, and (hopefully) Starfox in HD will be amazing.  People just like to get on Sony these days for some reason or act like their fans are touting things they aren't.  Most of the Sony fans I know and see on here like them for their exclusives and free online, yet everyone characterizes Sony fans as tech fanatics that will freak out if nextbox has better specs.  I seem to recall a great many Sony fans loving PS2 and it was the least powerful console of its gen.  Whatever I'm gonna enjoy 10 years (at least) of awesome PS4 titles and pick up a WiiU when it's around $200 on ebay and has all the games I listed (minus one or two maybe).

Again, I'm not saying this to you, but there are many people who act the way I described.

I know there were a lot of WiiU haters and I'm addressing them too.  People need to stop trashing new consoles.  All they asked for was new consoles for half a decade and now that they're getting announced all they do is trash on them.  People seem to have more fun predicting doom for the consoles they aren't buying than enjoying the ones they do buy and that just shows me that they aren't having that much fun on them lol

Get Your Portable ID!Lord of Ratchet and Clank

Duke of Playstation Plus

Warden of Platformers

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It won't be. Microsoft is clearly going after the mainstream Wii audience with both their current 360 platform as well as integrated, mandatory Kinect in their next Xbox. High specs and appealing to the tech-savvy people who are brimming with a smile at PS4's power are not Msoft's target audience this go around.

Most indications are that at this point, Sony appears to be the only console maker left who is interested in pushing the envelope with extremely impressive specs.  Durango will be able to run next-gen multiplatform games, obviously, but they will have to be at least slightly down-scaled. 

The Screamapillar is easily identified by its constant screaming—it even screams in its sleep. The Screamapillar is the favorite food of everything, is sexually attracted to fire, and needs constant reassurance or it will die.

even ps3 people will agree they'd die. but it will always fall back on what does ms bring to the table game wise. we can all agree microsoft for the last few years have dropped the ball. and its not about kinect cause i actually like kinect. id be suprise if sony dont use the new eye for voice control.

the funniest thing people complain about a new xbox 8 halo but rejoice a killzone. will complain about a new gears but look forward to uncharted. i always laff at the comparing how each one looks vs the next. its like comparing a picasso to a rembradnt to a divinci.

excuse me if i want them all.

tres said:
even ps3 people will agree they'd die. but it will always fall back on what does ms bring to the table game wise. we can all agree microsoft for the last few years have dropped the ball. and its not about kinect cause i actually like kinect. id be suprise if sony dont use the new eye for voice control.

the funniest thing people complain about a new xbox 8 halo but rejoice a killzone. will complain about a new gears but look forward to uncharted. i always laff at the comparing how each one looks vs the next. its like comparing a picasso to a rembradnt to a divinci.

excuse me if i want them all.


Hmm, I think it'll be mixed. I'm not even a PC person so I have zero clue about the significance of the announced specs (and I think most people too really). The big thing people have been caught up on is the 8GB ram thing, so if Microsoft somehow one ups that maybe.

But Sony's DIFFERENTIATING benefits seems to really be:
1) Ease of development
2) Big library of first party games (i.e. "we're for hardcore gamers")
3) Social

To me, graphics have sort of become a thing to achieve competitive parity. People also seem to be not valuing them as much anymore as the last gen (a lot of the backlash against the PS4 announcement is that people feel like there's only an incremental improvement in graphics).

So, yeah, if Microsoft one ups Sony in any fashion, there'll be some kind of reaction. A huge one? Eh, if Sony fans really did value the specs that much, ironically they'll probably DEVALUE the importance of the specs and tout something else (as opposed to if they didn't really think it was an important benefit, they would just shrug and accept it).

Akvod said:
Hmm, I think it'll be mixed. I'm not even a PC person so I have zero clue about the significance of the announced specs (and I think most people too really). The big thing people have been caught up on is the 8GB ram thing, so if Microsoft somehow one ups that maybe.

But Sony's DIFFERENTIATING benefits seems to really be:
1) Ease of development
2) Big library of first party games (i.e. "we're for hardcore gamers")
3) Social

To me, graphics have sort of become a thing to achieve competitive parity. People also seem to be not valuing them as much anymore as the last gen (a lot of the backlash against the PS4 announcement is that people feel like there's only an incremental improvement in graphics).

So, yeah, if Microsoft one ups Sony in any fashion, there'll be some kind of reaction. A huge one? Eh, if Sony fans really did value the specs that much, ironically they'll probably DEVALUE the importance of the specs and tout something else (as opposed to if they didn't really think it was an important benefit, they would just shrug and accept it).

I'm a Sony fan and like most that I've either talked to online or know in person it's all about the games.  If PS4 puts out 10% less power than nextbox it won't really matter to most because Sony systems for everyone I know who buys them sell on games and free online (for the basics at least).  No one seemed to care that PS and PS2 were less powerful.

Get Your Portable ID!Lord of Ratchet and Clank

Duke of Playstation Plus

Warden of Platformers