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Hmm, I think it'll be mixed. I'm not even a PC person so I have zero clue about the significance of the announced specs (and I think most people too really). The big thing people have been caught up on is the 8GB ram thing, so if Microsoft somehow one ups that maybe.

But Sony's DIFFERENTIATING benefits seems to really be:
1) Ease of development
2) Big library of first party games (i.e. "we're for hardcore gamers")
3) Social

To me, graphics have sort of become a thing to achieve competitive parity. People also seem to be not valuing them as much anymore as the last gen (a lot of the backlash against the PS4 announcement is that people feel like there's only an incremental improvement in graphics).

So, yeah, if Microsoft one ups Sony in any fashion, there'll be some kind of reaction. A huge one? Eh, if Sony fans really did value the specs that much, ironically they'll probably DEVALUE the importance of the specs and tout something else (as opposed to if they didn't really think it was an important benefit, they would just shrug and accept it).