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Forums - Gaming Discussion - What are your dream E3 announcements?

As the title implies, what announcements would you get pumped? It can be games, features or anything like that. You can do all the big three or however many you want (are interested in)

Microsoft: Tons of new IP's, online play free, BC with xbox and xbox 360, new Perfect Dark, Halo 2 remake and one major exclusive from 3rd party.

Nintendo: Better 3rd party support, new IP's on 3DS and WiiU,exclusive 3rd party games on 3DS like another Resident Evil, Majora's Mask Remake on 3DS, Metroid 3DS, Metroid Prime 4, Zelda WiiU, and JRPG's on WiiU.

Sony: Metal Gear Solid 5 PS4 exclusive, TONS of new Vita games, Final Fantasy 7 PS4 remake, Jak 4 (don't care which platform), Final Fantasy Versus PS4 exclusive, The Last Guardian PS4 exclusive, Agent PS4 exclusive, Syphon Filter on Vita, Uncharted 4, Resistance 4, new Sony Santa Monica IP on PS4, new Media Molecule IP, Vita price drop and something really unexpected. Metal Gear and Final Fantasy has an exclusive on just about every Sony platform so maybe a partnership with a developer who doesn't make exclusives for them like Bioware, Blizzard, Bethesda, etc. 

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final fintasy would come back to nintendo home console XD


Beyond Good & Evil 2

Metal Gear Solid 5 exclusively on PlayStation 4.

The Last Guardian

Red Dead Redemption 2

Journey 2

Rockstar's Agent.

More RPG single players only.

F Zero Wii U and Streets of Rage 4....

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games and lots of them (vita and ps4 for me). more ps4 info.

pretty much this will be a good E3 regardless with ps4 and xbox8 getting detailed post their teaser announcements.


oh, and gaikai details.  specifically i'd like to see ps1,2,3 BC for ps4 supported with "free" access to all of my psn purchases and some sort of an "ambassador" program to convert my discs into digital releases.

Final Fantasy Versus XIII. Don't care what it's called, don't even care if it's coming to Wii-U instead of PS3/4, anything like that. Just that it's alive and being released in some shape or form.

More information on Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes.  Finding out what the hell Phantom Pain is.

WipEout PS4 & Ratchet PS4 announced. More information on Knack.

Some new, exciting IP's announced.

Edit: Oh, and Wild ARMs 6.

Nintendo: Wii U pokemon gamw - bethesda-like 3D open world, more realistic art-style but still stylised, play as pokemon in battles, nintendo can figure out the rest of the game. New IPs.

Microsoft: Nextbox, obviously. I wanna see what those new studios are up to, and I don't want it to be kinect crap.

Sony: Uncharted Vita 2, GTA Vita. Santa Monica new IP, ready at dawn new IP, TLG on PS4, GT6 on PS4, more driveclub gameplay.


another New IP, Ape Escape PS4, Twisted Metal PS4, Jak & Daxter PS4, Parappa The Rapper PS4, Medievil PS4

WipeOut PS4 and Siren PS4 would be nice also

Puppeteer coming to PS4 alongside PS3

I also hope that a JRPG is shown along side the supposed new Final Fantasy PS4

Nintendo: Wii U price drop to $249

Pikmin 3 release date shown. Metroid Wii U, Zelda Wii U, Mario Wii U

It would be nice if Nintendo made atleast 1 new mascot IP aswell

Final Fantasy Versus XIII renamed to Final Fantasy XV and will FOR SURE be a launch title on PS4 (because there is no more hope that this once promising gem will ever see the light of day on PS3).

Kingdom Hearts 3 for all consoles, or at least PS3/PS4.

Something and anything Red Dead Redemption.

Metal Gear Solid news... Seems Rising has been strange, for some folks...

And what about a Heavenly Sword sequel? How about for all consoles? 

Those are a few things off the top of my head right now that I want to hear MOST about.