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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Why does MGS4 seem so hyped up?

Smash bros Brawl isnt the same game with a different name..

That was a useless post...

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MGS sold 5.59 million.

MGS2 sold 5.56 mil., and MGS: Substance sold an extra 150k in Japan. The EU and NA numbers for Substance have not been posted yet.

MGS3 sold 3.96 mil., and MGS3 Subsistence sold another 470k across NA and Japan, while the European numbers have yet to be posted.

MGS: Portable Opts has sold over 1.02 mil. on the PSP, and MGS: PO+ has sold an extra 270k thus far, and when combined this places the game among the top 10 best sellers on the PSP.

How is this series not worthy of hype?

No offense, but didnt the original SSB have a single player mode? so now they add a story to it and it all of a sudden a new game?

And of course they are going to come up with new characters, have you ever played a fighting game that with each installment doesnt add at least a couple of new characters?

And the 4 control types doesnt necessarily mean something to brag about. It just means they probably have no idea how to make really tight controls with the Wiimote for it and decided to be like "hey, you can even use a gamecube controller if you want" so that people wouldnt bitch when they got the game and it sucked trying to fight with the Wiimote.

__XBrawlX__ said:

@ Zackblue

What has MGS4 added compared to the last game? Graphics, online, new storyline, (???)

What has brawl added? Graphics compared to cube, online, a one player or co-op story mode, new characters, four new ways of control, rotation mode, and just about everything at

Besides, I meant why is the hype around the fact that the game will sell systems, I know this is true but so many people seem to think it will boost sales incredibly.

Kojima has also revamped the controls of MGS4, and he has been working on various new gameplay elements for the game. Also, the graphical difference between MGS3 and MGS4 is far greater than that between SSBM and SSBB.

I love SSB, and I love MGS, and both are going to be quite a step up from their precessors.

Another note on the control scheme, to add proof to my point about the 4 control schemes, even the website actually recommends playing the game with the Gamecube Controller.

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Im glad people took note of one little sentence out of a couple of paragraphs, and judged by that that my post was useless.

Simply because of the millions of dollars they spent to develop the game. Konami needs to get their money back

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zackblue said:
Why does super smash bros seemed to hyped?


Because it will be the best selling game Solid Snake has ever had.


Just remembered that solid snake is in brawl!

The reason I mentioned one player, was because before it was just play different characters to reach the end, now theres actually a storyline, and a co-op mode, complete with bosses.

These are some of the most diverse character combos, snake with mario, kirby with sonic? I just think it is a good character list

The reason for the four contolls over all was to give more options over what controll scheme you want. And concidering the # of games for wii that scream classic controller and gamecube controller, I think those options should be there.

Also I agree with your super mario galaxy comment. It's not as original as everyone thinks it is.




Guitar Hero 3/ Smash Hits

Anyone who thinks this game won't be one of the best selling games on the PS3 is fooling themselves. The series has certainly posted solid numbers, but that's not really the point, is it. This game will be to the PS3 what Wii Sports is to the Wii. I don't mean that it will have a one-one attach rate or that it will be the best selling game on the PS3. I simply mean that it will be the first game (sorry Uncharted, no offense) that truly shows what the PS3 is capable of.

The PS3 crowd is by definition not casual....and it is most certainly interested in high technology and uber-graphics. This will be their pride and glory. The game they use to show that the PS3 is true next-generation.

Why do you think XBOX fans want this game so bad?