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Forums - Gaming Discussion - VGChartz Greatest User Tournament 2012 - Quarter Finals - Mr Khan Vs. axumblade

I have to go with my LGBT Command-in-Chief axumblade. Mr Khan, you're still awesome!

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Last minute/hour bump. I finally made up my mind... after hours of pondering. @_@

Get the vote on people, these are some of the best members we have!



You know, you aren't going to get any votes on the upcoming round. Everyone is going to have their faces glued to the Computer Screen sucking anything up about the Sony Conference.

Am I late to vote? I just got here, like the last round only after I cast my vote, I realized it was already over... -_-'

 And proud member of the Mega Mario Movement!
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TripleMMM said:
Am I late to vote? I just got here, like the last round only after I cast my vote, I realized it was already over... -_-'

You can still vote. EDIT: In the next round

Signature goes here!

New thread is here:

No more votes accepted for this round.

Signature goes here!

I gotta go with Axumblade on this one.