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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The Real HD DMC4 Console Comparison: Motion Blur In PS3 Version

See the problem with me is... they both look the same. Except one is a little brighter. I don't get these graphic comparisons at all.

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Hmm, they seem to look the same. Well, close enough where the visuals themselves would not turn me towards one version or the other.

Im leaning more towards the 360 version though, I like getting my Achievements! Now that I think about it, I would probably lean that way for most multiplatform games (because of the achievements system), unless the PS3 version is way better than the 360 version for whatever reason.

PS360 ftw!

Currently playing..........

Gears of War 2, GTA IV Lost and Damned, Little Big Planet (Yes I said I had no interest but my girl wanted to try it and we did and now Im hooked )



weezy said:
Krik do you believe what every fanboy says about ps3? Please dont be a follower.

Madden 08 for 360 was at 60FPS while PS3 Madden 08 was at 30FPS. Mind you this was last year.

So all of the sudden 360 games are capped at 30fps?

put down the crack.

 I know Madden runs at 60 FPS on the 360. I posted a comment from another guy/thread about Devil May Cry 4. This thread is about DMC4, remember?

PSN ID: krik

Optimistic predictions for 2008 (Feb 5 2008): Wii = 20M, PS3 = 14M, X360 = 9.5M


The guy who wrote up this story is an idiot;

"You might be mistaken into thinking that the Xbox 360’s textures are of a higher resolution. This is untrue. By altering the sharpness settings for the PS3 you will be able to exactly replicate the Xbox 360 image."


"The texture resolutions are the same on both consoles. The lack of RGB Full on the PS3 images, which widens the colour spectrum, also impacts the visible sharpness of the textures in these images."


Leo-j said: If a dvd for a pc game holds what? Crysis at 3000p or something, why in the world cant a blu-ray disc do the same?

ssj12 said: Player specific decoders are nothing more than specialized GPUs. Gran Turismo is the trust driving simulator of them all. 

"Why do they call it the xbox 360? Because when you see it, you'll turn 360 degrees and walk away" 

sieanr said:
The guy who wrote up this story is an idiot;

"You might be mistaken into thinking that the Xbox 360’s textures are of a higher resolution. This is untrue. By altering the sharpness settings for the PS3 you will be able to exactly replicate the Xbox 360 image."


"The texture resolutions are the same on both consoles. The lack of RGB Full on the PS3 images, which widens the colour spectrum, also impacts the visible sharpness of the textures in these images."


 Tbh, I noticed what he was talking about in every screen comparison I've seen thus far.  People would point out blurry textures, but the entire ps3 image was blurrry, and not any specific texture.  

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They both look the same to me (i.e. very minor differences which I don't care about as I don't worry about console comparisions and get down on my hands and knees peering at the screen).

If I get it I will with PS3 as that's the console I have. I doubt any normal gamer on either platform is going to notice much difference in play.

I guess achievements on 360 could be seen as only major difference (I assume it has them) but I actually really don't like achievements (although they're not the reason I don't have a 360).

Personally I'm just glad another good game has been delivered that seems to have been well developed on each platform - hopefully all PS3 and 360 owners who like this game will find it a good play and a worhwhile purchase.

BTW regarding the 30 fps vs 60 fps for EA sports games this was clearly EA's issue - at most I would accept the engine design was hard to port to PS3 but nonetheless EA have to take the blame for chosing not to put in the investment/effort required to achieve a resonable level of parity. Most major cross-platform games have shown this can be achieved very well (COD4, AC and now Burnout Paradise and I would add DMC4 from what I've seen) so hopefully going forward developers will realise they must aim for this level of parity.

Try to be reasonable... its easier than you think...

These pics make me like the 360 version more (Right click->View Image to see what i'm talking about ^^) 

Passenger57 said:
Woah!! motion blur. J/k, but I actually like it better without the motion blur. Looks sharper

 ? it's called motion blur for a reason; it is applied on motion/animation so it's effect is wasted on stills. Any game with well implemented motion blur looks both better and more realistic than without, but again; it's wasted in stills but makes a big deifference in live sequencing.

From the last picture 360 frame looks too sharp for my taste yet I sure that can be adjusted on the TV settings. (I can adjusted my TV to make PS3 look over sharp as well) 

I also noticed there is a difference when using the HDMI cable (probably because of HDMI settings) with PS3 than the component which this pictures was shown in. Thus ps3 games look better with the HDMI cable. 

makingmusic476 said:
There also seem to be better effects on the ps3 version. Just look at the way the ledges of the ice creatures look with the light shining through them:

(right click > view image)

 the rest looks better in the 360 version though, If you use these images.