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Forums - General Discussion - The Official LGBTA Thread - Supreme Court rules for Marriage Equality

Icy-Zone said:

Consent is defined by law. Laws change all the time. If you're willing to see gay marriage in the future as a result to changed laws, would you be willing to accept pedophilia as well? There are some under the age of consent that act more mature than people over the age of consent.

And all life in general goes against the 2nd law of thermodynamics. Cellular organization and homeostasis within the body, from otherwise random atoms and molecules, supports this.

The two aren't tied together. Since you can't find a justifiable reason why gay men can't marry, you're using pedophilia as a mean to get want you want. Homosexuality and pedophilia are two seperate things and laws for one don't affect the other.

Signature goes here!

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TruckOSaurus said:
Icy-Zone said:

Consent is defined by law. Laws change all the time. If you're willing to see gay marriage in the future as a result to changed laws, would you be willing to accept pedophilia as well? There are some under the age of consent that act more mature than people over the age of consent.

And all life in general goes against the 2nd law of thermodynamics. Cellular organization and homeostasis within the body, from otherwise random atoms and molecules, supports this.

The two aren't tied together. Since you can't find a justifiable reason why gay men can't marry, you're using pedophilia as a mean to get want you want. Homosexuality and pedophilia are two seperate things and laws for one don't affect the other.

If you can't see the similarities to the arguments pedophiles and homosexuals have in regards to their respective wants for rights, I will be unable to continue discussing this matter further with you. A foundation needs to be built.

"Common sense is not so common." - Voltaire

Platinumed Destiny, Vanquish, Ninja Gaiden Sigma Plus, Catherine, and Metal Gear Rising. Get on my level!!

Get your Portable ID!                                                                                     

Icy-Zone said:

And all life in general goes against the 2nd law of thermodynamics. Cellular organization and homeostasis within the body, from otherwise random atoms and molecules, supports this.

This is actually not correct. 2nd law of thermodynamics states that entropy of isolated system never decreses. Human cell, nor the humand body or the earth itself are isolated systems. They are open system that exchange energy and recieve energy from their surroundings. 


If the laws change about age of consent, than underaged person wouldn't be a minor anymore.

Icy-Zone said:
TruckOSaurus said:

The two aren't tied together. Since you can't find a justifiable reason why gay men can't marry, you're using pedophilia as a mean to get want you want. Homosexuality and pedophilia are two seperate things and laws for one don't affect the other.

If you can't see the similarities to the arguments pedophiles and homosexuals have in regards to their respective wants for rights, I will be unable to continue discussing this matter further with you. A foundation needs to be built.

Actually Trucky is right. There aren't any similarities. You are just repeating nonsense spoken outloud numerous times by those "good Christians" who are trying as hard as possible to equate homosexuality with pedophilia or whatnot.

I'm gay and I like it.

Around the Network
durangorbis said:
I'm gay and I like it.

D: No! *Cries*

I'm a filthy fuck bitch.

Wright said:
durangorbis said:
I'm gay and I like it.

D: No! *Cries*

I'm gay you see ?

I love the "man" in mankind.

durangorbis said:
Wright said:
durangorbis said:
I'm gay and I like it.

D: No! *Cries*

I'm gay you see ?

You did not have breakfast today, didn't you? =P