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Forums - General Discussion - The Official LGBTA Thread - Supreme Court rules for Marriage Equality

Proclus said:
dallas said:
I'm bi, add me on.

I'm wondering, if there are any other bi guys here that like chicks a bit more, or in other words favor the straight side a bit more? People tend to assume that bi dudes are homo.....well that's just plain false, but if you're out there hollar at me.

I'm bi myself (and male), but I also prefer chicks more generally speaking.

Thanks for the hollar..... do you have a wife/gf?  Is she ok with the bi thing?  I can definitely kind of see the point of women feeling a bit threatened with being with a bi dude, but I also think that if I want to be with her and i'm obviously not putting her ass on, then she should just deal with it.

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TruckOSaurus said:

S you're saying you've given us something even worse than the flu! You're evil!

If you start craving humans... don't blame me.

axumblade said:
Somini said:

Yeah, i'm glad there are others who think this way. I have a BF and have been very happy with him for the last 5 years. It's our own fault people think of us as promiscuous, which is for a lot people seen as disgusting, men and women. I like to look at a beautiful man just as much as the next gay guy lol. But you don't have to have sex with everyone you can.

Not to say i am judging people who live this way. I just wish the gaypride wasn't full of gay men, and some women. The message gets lost when getting naked is the best thing you can do. I donno maybe i'm old fashioned :D

I'm right there with you. I've been in a relationship 6 and a half years. We both like to look at guys. But we don't act on it though.  :)

That's one of the perks of being in a gay relationship. When you check someone out instead of getting a scene you get a "Damn, that guy was hot, don't you think?"

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axumblade said:
Also, I updated the OP.

spedfrom is now Spedfrom and naruball is on the list. Is there anything else I've missed?

Thanks, you're the best!

Hope you're feeling better now. :)

TruckOSaurus said:
axumblade said:
Somini said:

Yeah, i'm glad there are others who think this way. I have a BF and have been very happy with him for the last 5 years. It's our own fault people think of us as promiscuous, which is for a lot people seen as disgusting, men and women. I like to look at a beautiful man just as much as the next gay guy lol. But you don't have to have sex with everyone you can.

Not to say i am judging people who live this way. I just wish the gaypride wasn't full of gay men, and some women. The message gets lost when getting naked is the best thing you can do. I donno maybe i'm old fashioned :D

I'm right there with you. I've been in a relationship 6 and a half years. We both like to look at guys. But we don't act on it though.  :)

That's one of the perks of being in a gay relationship. When you check someone out instead of getting a scene you get a "Damn, that guy was hot, don't you think?"

I used to date a not so attractive dude with tons of insecurities, so I never managed to do that with him. Oh well.

I don't know about you guys, but I find it impossible to meet a good looking guy, who also wants a relationship. Don't wanna generalize, but I notice that all the time. 

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Gaymer here!

Put me on that list!

naruball said:

I used to date a not so attractive dude with tons of insecurities, so I never managed to do that with him. Oh well.

I don't know about you guys, but I find it impossible to meet a good looking guy, who also wants a relationship. Don't wanna generalize, but I notice that all the time. 

I'm not going to put an emphasis on "good looking" since each of us probably has it's own perks and different meaning for it, but the type I seem to like is usually not interested into enything that isn't discrete, one time thing or something among those lines... :(

I'm a heter but I support gay rights, people should be able to live freely without bullshit or being judged by society. It's not like gay people walk on the street and try to poke any man that walks by and I'm pretty sure most of us straight men are ugly as fuck anyways, not that I can tell TBH lol.

dahuman said:
I'm a heter but I support gay rights, people should be able to live freely without bullshit or being judged by society. It's not like gay people walk on the street and try to poke any man that walks by and I'm pretty sure most of us straight men are ugly as fuck anyways, not that I can tell TBH lol.

Go Linux fans!

naruball said:
TruckOSaurus said:

That's one of the perks of being in a gay relationship. When you check someone out instead of getting a scene you get a "Damn, that guy was hot, don't you think?"

I used to date a not so attractive dude with tons of insecurities, so I never managed to do that with him. Oh well.

I don't know about you guys, but I find it impossible to meet a good looking guy, who also wants a relationship. Don't wanna generalize, but I notice that all the time. 

The weird thing that I've noticed is that my friends who live in smaller cities where there's little or no gay nightlife have an easier time finding a guy who's looking for a serious relationship while friends who live in Ottawa or Montreal all seem to have problems settling down with someone. It's like having too much choice gives the illusion that someone better is just around the corner so instead of trying to make it work, they move on too quickly. (That's my take on it, I'm no psychiatrist)

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