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dallas remolded his face to be an ass seat.

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DareDareCaro said:
Wright said:

You think so? Nah... xD

Pretty sure! lol

Focus on the ass, my man. Ignore the rest :3

haha, that's a funny image right there; luigi telling us to focus on dat ass.

I know some requested some latin cheeks so here are a few


Also a nice pair from India

Sayeeda Blue ain't India, though, fellow King of the Dead. She was born in Egypt and has some Persian and Bengali in her too. Still, she is definitely bangin'.

Indians with tha'round seem to be pretty rare too. I actually knew one and she was my boss for a time. That was the only time I've ever been HIGHLY attracted to one of my bosses. It was ... uncomfortable...

Around the Network
DanneSandin said:
i fell right at home. this is how a man should line.

No, we needz moar BOOBS!!!

they go hand and hand. you can't have one without without the other, but i'd much wrather big ass then big  breast while wanting both.

MDJ lives in a world without compromise.

Darth Tigris said:
DanneSandin said:
i fell right at home. this is how a man should line.

No, we needz moar BOOBS!!!

they go hand and hand. you can't have one without without the other, but i'd much wrather big ass then big  breast while wanting both.

MDJ lives in a world without compromise.


wooo wooo you know it. why compromise when you can haveit all. or dream about it.

Darth Tigris said:
DanneSandin said:
i fell right at home. this is how a man should line.

No, we needz moar BOOBS!!!

they go hand and hand. you can't have one without without the other, but i'd much wrather big ass then big  breast while wanting both.

MDJ lives in a world without compromise.


wooo wooo you know it. why compromise when you can haveit all. or dream about it.

Darth Tigris said:
DanneSandin said:
i fell right at home. this is how a man should line.

No, we needz moar BOOBS!!!

they go hand and hand. you can't have one without without the other, but i'd much wrather big ass then big  breast while wanting both.

MDJ lives in a world without compromise.


wooo wooo you know it. why compromise when you can haveit all. or dream about it.

I knew there was reason, besides the avatar, that I liked Darth Tigris. As for no compromises....

Otakumegane said:
DanneSandin said:
Otakumegane said:
DanneSandin said:
How come asses look sooooo good!!??

Evolution demands that we seek women with luscious bottoms.

But whyyy? Asses=poop....

A bigger butt signals a larger pelvis which means an easier birth. Reproduction.

Since we walk on 2 legs, our pelvises have gotten smaller, making births harder. Big butts are therefore more attractive as they signal an easier time giving birth, we are genetically inclined to search for the butts that can birth our offspring well.

Now explain the tits.