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Forums - Sony Discussion - I'm so proud of my new avatar!

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LOL, this PlayStation 4 anouncement or whatever ends up happening on the 20th has led to so many photoshoped images and gifs. I mean, look at these from NeoGAF, they're hillarious.

A banner stolen from some site xD

Release Final Fantasy Versus XIII nowwwwwwwwww!!! lol :P

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Jdevil3 said:

LOL, this PlayStation 4 anouncement or whatever ends up happening on the 20th has led to so many photoshoped images and gifs. I mean, look at these from NeoGAF, they're hillarious.

If you like those you might like this.

This is the full video with my hilarious subtitles. It ended up way too big for a gif so I made it a video.

Original Video - More videos at TinyPic

This is just a short clip from the vid. It's too bad it was too big for a gif because it would have been an epic sig for Nintendo fans.

"To be honest I don't know why I made this thread"

You wanted attention.

Now I like my new sig.

kain_kusanagi said:
Jdevil3 said:

LOL, this PlayStation 4 anouncement or whatever ends up happening on the 20th has led to so many photoshoped images and gifs. I mean, look at these from NeoGAF, they're hillarious.

If you like those you might like this.

This is the full video with my hilarious subtitles. It ended up way too big for a gif so I made it a video.


This is just a short clip from the vid. It's too bad it was too big for a gif because it would have been an epic sig for Nintendo fans.


LOL, doing that must've taken a really long time xD You can still make it a gif but you'll have to lose some quality to make it smaller. Try to make it 5-10 mb max.

A banner stolen from some site xD

Release Final Fantasy Versus XIII nowwwwwwwwww!!! lol :P

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First rule is we do not talk about our avatars


Good avatar.

Five hundred ninety nine US dollars! But, we must take risks..
Riiiiiiiiiiidge Raaaacer!
So here's this giant enemy crab. Hit its weak spot for massive damage. (not by Kaz, but I love this one)

God, I can't believe Sony pushed 75 million PSP's and PS3's after that E3 disaster. Such a classic.

Can't wait for this year's Feb 20 + E3, hopefully Kaz speaks better on both.

Nice one man..I need a new one soon as well ;)

In-Kat-We-Trust Brigade!

"This world is Merciless, and it's also very beautiful"

For All News/Info related to the PlayStation Vita, Come and join us in the Official PSV Thread!

Jdevil3 said:
kain_kusanagi said:
Jdevil3 said:

LOL, this PlayStation 4 anouncement or whatever ends up happening on the 20th has led to so many photoshoped images and gifs. I mean, look at these from NeoGAF, they're hillarious.

If you like those you might like this.

This is the full video with my hilarious subtitles. It ended up way too big for a gif so I made it a video.


This is just a short clip from the vid. It's too bad it was too big for a gif because it would have been an epic sig for Nintendo fans.


LOL, doing that must've taken a really long time xD You can still make it a gif but you'll have to lose some quality to make it smaller. Try to make it 5-10 mb max.

This is the best I could do. Half the resolution, low color and frame rate. It's the only way I could get the file size small enough for a image host to let me upload it.

As you can tell mines a 5 minute job on paint! no photoshop required