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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Nintendo Revenue = INSANE

For the nine-month period that ended December 31, Nintendo is reporting sales revenue of $12.4 billion.  I can't find any specific numbers for Q4 of FY2007, but based on their FY revenue of $8.09 billion and the fact that the Wii didn't launch until Q3 of that FY, let's throw in a reasonably conservative guess of $1.6 billion.

That means that in the calendar year 2007, Nintendo's total sales revenue was approximately $14 billion.

The entire US video game industry had a total sales revenue just shy of $18 billion (not counting PC and online revenue).

That means that Nintendo, a single company, had sales revenue at a level of 77% of the ENTIRE US video game market in the past year.  Sure, that includes all the regions Nintendo publishes in, but that makes this amount no less incredible.

To reiterate: Nintendo's revenue levels, for a company that is almost entirely based around video games, are completely insane.

That is all.

Hates Nomura.

Tagged: GooseGaws - <--- Has better taste in games than you.

Around the Network

Wasn't it Sony that had the highest revenue?

That was hardware only, in the month of December. I'm talking total revenue.

Hates Nomura.

Tagged: GooseGaws - <--- Has better taste in games than you.

O right, forgot about that.

But I think you are counting Nintendo's worldwide revenue against just the American market.

I mentioned that in the original post. It's just a comparison to demonstrate how enormous their revenue has been for the year.

Hates Nomura.

Tagged: GooseGaws - <--- Has better taste in games than you.

Around the Network

Ah, yes, you posted at a rate.

Lol, okay, sorry if this seems like spam, I'm off now.

For the games division yes. Nintendo solely does games, Sony has 3-4 other branches of the same size or even greater, so the revenue will be way higher if all those are counted (which I'm guessing you didn't).

The really amazing thing is that MS's profit is about the same as Nintendo Revenue, and MS had more Revenue in the last quarter then Nintendo did all year. I'm not sure what Sony's revenue is but i'm pretty sure its much more then Nintendo's.

Wow, that is amazing, but you have to know that someone else generated more revenue than nintendo.


 2008 end of year predictions:

PS3: 22M

360: 25M

wii: 40M

@Griffin... you realise MS games division revenue was a minimal part of that (will be smaller than Nintendo due to only 1 console)... and we shall see for Sonys games division... I imagine revenue should be higher for the year even if profit is negative.