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Forums - NSFW Discussion - What do you like to eat?

Why is it in NSFW? Are "Chicken" and "Beef" codewords that I don't know for something?!

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Food. Tasty food especially.


And gyros.

badgenome said:


And gyros.

Huge fucking grin at the option with the '1' at the end. :D


Playstation = The Beast from the East

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Putting this in NSFW suddenly makes "eating" so much more inappropriate.

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BaldrSkies said:
Putting this in NSFW suddenly makes "eating" so much more inappropriate.

haha, this.

Tacos? Seafood platter? Am I doing it right?

NintendoPie said:
Why is it in NSFW? Are "Chicken" and "Beef" codewords that I don't know for something?!

You're too young to understand now. Mayhaps in the future we'll have a talk about what chicken and beef really mean.

Until along now and enjoy your youth!