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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Rumor: Sony mislead devs


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1. Look at who this FORUM COMMENT was posted by. A user called "XboxInfinity". Yeah.
2. Tech Specs change all the time and dev kits evolve over time.
3. This isn't a rumor, this is some forum users opinion.

"That being said, I actually think that games have started reaching a "saturation point" of looking "good enough" with the current generation, i.e. further advances in graphics won't be as important to sell games down the road as advances in general game design and new kinds of gaming experiences will be. Microsoft's and Sony's respective visions of how to evolve the gaming experience with (more or less interesting) peripherals will probably be way more important than theoretical compute power."
That guy's post is perfection. I completely agree with him.

OT: Not totally sure what to say except that this is business, people get burned.

twesterm said:

Feel free to lock this.

it doesn't matter if it is true or not, it is good enough to be remembered and in a few years it will have entered lore

“It appeared that there had even been demonstrations to thank Big Brother for raising the chocolate ration to twenty grams a week. And only yesterday, he reflected, it had been announced that the ration was to be reduced to twenty grams a week. Was it possible that they could swallow that, after only twenty-four hours? Yes, they swallowed it.”

- George Orwell, ‘1984’

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VGKing said:

1. Look at who this FORUM COMMENT was posted by. A user called "XboxInfinity". Yeah.
2. Tech Specs change all the time and dev kits evolve over time.
3. This isn't a rumor, this is some forum users opinion.

Yep. Sony ould never prank their partners, who they need to stay friends with, just to screw over a rival who has thier spies just like Sony has spies.

Third parties definitely got correct performance estimates ahead of time, lol.

A moronic move, if true, although I really doubt it. Screwing third parties and making sure that their console is way more powerful than the 720 are two of the stupidest things they can do, especially at the same time.


“These are my principles; if you don’t like them, I have others.” – Groucho Marx

Hmm it seems that source was from a forum....hmmm....

Hey guize guess what I just found out. I am a reputable source and my close friend who works for Sony said that the PS4 will be up to date with the most high end PC's of today and will only cost 399$!!!! Uncharted 4 and GT6 are confirmed as a launch title!

*Articles pop up on internet next day*

NintendoPie said:

"That being said, I actually think that games have started reaching a "saturation point" of looking "good enough" with the current generation, i.e. further advances in graphics won't be as important to sell games down the road as advances in general game design and new kinds of gaming experiences will be. Microsoft's and Sony's respective visions of how to evolve the gaming experience with (more or less interesting) peripherals will probably be way more important than theoretical compute power."
That guy's post is perfection. I completely agree with him.

OT: Not totally sure what to say except that this is business, people get burned.

I buy a console to play Games and why input is important it isn't everything I love KB/M but can handle a controller being the main input for console , my reason for saying this is I feel continually concentrating on input is turning it into a differentiation contest rather than a quest for the best interface  , I don't think graphics have got to the point yet that they're good enough that increases wouldn't make a difference especially to immerse you in the world visually  but it's getting there ,  I would like us to get to the point where only incremental graphical improvement is available considering the limits of current TV's so the focus is moved on to better AI bigger worlds less pop up etc , rather than some one saying here's a tech analysis for you about a new effect it goes in great detail so even though you probably didn't notice it you now know why it's so great.

Still power helps everything not just graphics it can help everything run better and maybe one day the extra power might be what's needed for the industry to make games that are so far ahead it ushers in a new type of interface to get the best experience possible out of them.

Research shows Video games  help make you smarter, so why am I an idiot