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Forums - Sales Discussion - Wii, PS3 Software Attach Rate Still Behind Xbox 360

As part of a wide-ranging meeting with GameStop's management, Janco Partners' Mike Hickey discussed why the Wii and PS3's 5-game-per-console attach rates are still behind the Xbox 360's


Xbox 360=8.8 game perconsole attach rate

PS3 and wii= 5 game per console attach rate 



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US only i assume.

For sure, in Japan numbers must be entirely different .
I mean, only like 3 people have XBOX

I didn't read the article but the hugely obvious reason is that the X360 has been out longer giving early adopters far more time to buy games.

Auron said:
US only i assume.

Most likely, unless there are Gamestops in other countries, too?

The attach rate in the Japan is really good for the 360, because they don't have that many overall system sales, hehe. 

starcraft: "I and every PS3 fanboy alive are waiting for Versus more than FFXIII.
Me since the games were revealed, the fanboys since E3."

Skeeuk: "playstation 3 is the ultimate in gaming acceleration"

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It's been on the market twice as long, too.

Let's say I buy a game once every other month. If I bought a 360 at launch, I'd have 13-14 games by now, but with the PSWii, only 6-7.

misterd said:
It's been on the market twice as long, too.

Let's say I buy a game once every other month. If I bought a 360 at launch, I'd have 13-14 games by now, but with the PSWii, only 6-7
That's somewhat offset by having 2.5x the amount of consoles sold compared to PS3s in the US, so they need to sell 2.5x as much software to keep the attach rate at what it is.

Can't say the same for the Wii though as its sales are getting close to what the 360 has in the US.

starcraft: "I and every PS3 fanboy alive are waiting for Versus more than FFXIII.
Me since the games were revealed, the fanboys since E3."

Skeeuk: "playstation 3 is the ultimate in gaming acceleration"

Hey, the attach rate on the PS2 is kicking hind teats all over the place. I wonder why?

smbu2000 said:
misterd said:
It's been on the market twice as long, too.

Let's say I buy a game once every other month. If I bought a 360 at launch, I'd have 13-14 games by now, but with the PSWii, only 6-7
That's somewhat offset by having 2.5x the amount of consoles sold compared to PS3s in the US, so they need to sell 2.5x as much software to keep the attach rate at what it is.

Can't say the same for the Wii though as its sales are getting close to what the 360 has in the US.

Except that extra year also means an extra years worth of games. The 360 2nd year lineup had a lot more must have games than either the PS3 or Wiis first year.

According to the guy they interviewed the PS3 would have a higher attach ratio than the Wii if it weren't for folks buying the PS3 as a Blu-Ray player only.

Correct me if I am mistaken, and I might be, but I thought a couple of months ago standalone BR players dropped below the price of a PS3....So why then if these people aren't buying any games would they get a PS3?

Now the obvious answer is that some get it for both gaming and BR. And while I agree there are people who do purchase it for both features those people are still buying games (otherwise they would have just gotten a standalone). So if they are buying a PS3 and buying exactly should they be discounted from the attach ratio? Perhaps we should only count hardcore PS3 owners who have at least 10 games...? =P

Sorry I know it was only a minor statement but it really shows a lack of thought on his part, and it wasn't the only odd comment. It was still an interesting read though as it shows the viewpoint of a retailer, and regardless of how he arrives at his conclusions he will still be making decisions based on how he sees things.

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