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According to the guy they interviewed the PS3 would have a higher attach ratio than the Wii if it weren't for folks buying the PS3 as a Blu-Ray player only.

Correct me if I am mistaken, and I might be, but I thought a couple of months ago standalone BR players dropped below the price of a PS3....So why then if these people aren't buying any games would they get a PS3?

Now the obvious answer is that some get it for both gaming and BR. And while I agree there are people who do purchase it for both features those people are still buying games (otherwise they would have just gotten a standalone). So if they are buying a PS3 and buying exactly should they be discounted from the attach ratio? Perhaps we should only count hardcore PS3 owners who have at least 10 games...? =P

Sorry I know it was only a minor statement but it really shows a lack of thought on his part, and it wasn't the only odd comment. It was still an interesting read though as it shows the viewpoint of a retailer, and regardless of how he arrives at his conclusions he will still be making decisions based on how he sees things.

To Each Man, Responsibility