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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Medal of Honor Heroes 2 for Wii online frustrations

First, I am new to online play and I have really enjoyed MOHH2 online.  There is something that is driving me crazy though.  It seems that it takes me like 10 hits to kill somebody or more, and they can take me out in 2 or 3.  I mean there was a time tonight where I hit a guy in the face with a shotgun 4-5 times and he still was running around and then hit me 1 time and I was dead.  It even took 5 sniper rifle shots to take another guy down.  There have been several time that I have unloaded a whole machine gun round into a guy and he just shoots me and kills me with one burst from his machine gun.  What the heck is going on here?  Has anyone else noticed this?  Are they using some kind of cheat or what?

My Tag: 2 Timothy 3:1

Jesus Christ is the ONLY way to Heaven! (John14:6)

Every second 2 people die . . . What if this is your second?

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I don't really know what to say. It really can get frustrating, I know. But I've been playing since about the time the game came out, and all I can really tell you is to practice. Those guys that kill you in one hit are hitting you in the sweet spot, which is the head. Also, I've heard, that it's smart to aim slightly ahead of where they are going, though I don't really think I do that too much.

Also, be careful of the guys that just spawn... when their screen is still black (which is for a few seconds after they spawn), they can't die. If I see someone appear, I always wait around 2 seconds before firing... Gives me time to get a good aim at their heads.

BTW, is your username Kazadoom, like Khazad-dûm, from Lord of the Rings, or is that just complete coincidence?

100th post! lol

ugh I can't wait till someone makes a real FPS for the Wii.

I wish nintendo would create a SOCOM like Wii game..

I am WEEzY. You can suck my Nintendo loving BALLS!



yes, stever89 you are right about the name. Same name on MOHH2 online as well. I have tried to hit head shots and I guess I am just not getting them right. Man is it frustrating though

My Tag: 2 Timothy 3:1

Jesus Christ is the ONLY way to Heaven! (John14:6)

Every second 2 people die . . . What if this is your second?

Whoo! LotR FTW! lol

Yeah, as much as I love MOHH2, it's single player only goes so far, and the multiplayer isn't "the best," but it really shows off of what the Wii is capable, at least control-wise. We could really use a decent FPS, and Brothers in Arms might be it. Yes, it's WWII, but... that's how it goes. Eventually someone's gotta make the COD4-like game for the Wii, the controls are just too great to not.

Would you like to play a game? I'm not doing anything right now (well, I should be doing work).

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That's why M1 bazooka, Sniper rifles, and SMGs are the only good weapons in the game. Don't bother too much with the rest.

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The only reason Sakurai allowed Snake is because he was already a clone

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There seems to be an "invincible" bug that random players get invincible for the entire match. EA is aware of the problem, but is too lazy to patch it.

I think it is a lag issue. They have probably been shooting you for a while and just didn't know it. This problems happens to me all the time. I unload a whole round right at their face and then BAM. I'm dead. I think I played in a match with you kazadoom.

This is my first FPS game since Goldeneye and I find the online multiplayer really fun considering I have nothing to compare it to. I used to have the same issues thinking that it takes less shots for them to kill me, but eventually I got the hang of it and would have multiple kills before I die. Just move around alot and aim for where his head will be a split second later. Oh, and I hate being killed as soon as I respawn...

Well there is the possiblity of hackers.

Lord knows that's whyI haven't played MPH online in ages.

Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"