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Forums - General Discussion - Trial opens for father accused of killing baby over Xbox

all that over an Xbox!!! WOw that guy must be dedicated

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Why do we keep posting stuff like this? Every time its the same thing. People like me berate this person and call for his head. Others, will go all "don't punish anyone" on us and say that he should just be locked up so the rest of us can literally "pay" for his crime. Not to mention all of us are suddenly depressed and disgusted.

Let's just leave this stuff on the web news places. God I hate these kind of stories.

Make that two of us superchunk.



I can't believe someone would do that :((

That guy is sick.

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He deserves to be put to death and not in a humane way.

Sick f*ck. What a moron. I work at a daycare and I've had children disobey me, but I NEVER go all-out on them if they do something wrong. I may grab, pick up the child and put them back down (this one boy, ugh...), maybe a little hard/rough (he always disobeys and backtalks me; I hate little boys), but I never inflict pain on them.

Oh well, I have a picture for that guy:

Got the picture off IGN, but I added the text myself lmao

I hope he dies a slow and gruesome death... Maybe cook him in an oven or something.

best dad ever............

i kid i kid

Xbox Live Gamertag - Deathscythe X

AIM SN - Alexie Di Onie


he needs to be compacted and put into an Xbox.

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