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Forums - General Discussion - Hershey Phases Out Mints Cops Criticized

wow... that police women is an idiot, there are tons of products that look like drugs. Hello candy cigarettes.

Sucks that things like this happens. Stupid things like this is so annoying to read.

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Official VGChartz Folding@Home Team #109453
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Wow, this is just ridiculous, the cops should actually be out fighting crimes, instead of worrying about candy mints looking like street drugs. Jesus people are soooo stupid! A kid shouldn't be with their parents if they accidentally stumble upon a sack of cocaine at the house, and mistake it for a mint. Also, if that were even possible in a kid's household, I doubt the parent is even buying the kid Ice Breaker mints in the first place. What is wrong with people?

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Off topic but I can't understand why some people like Hershey's chocolate, Cadbury and others completely blow it away.

what an idiot , why not try stoping crimes instead of worying about some mints.

Soriku said:
Legend11 said:
Off topic but I can't understand why some people like Hershey's chocolate, Cadbury and others completely blow it away.

Hershey > All

This is FACT.

It's not... If you ever get the chance try some British or Canadian chocolate bars.

Read this...

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No idea. I wonder why Americans like Hershey chocolate but most Brits and Canadians don't. Maybe people grow an attachment to the chocolate they're raised on.

Legend11 said:
No idea. I wonder why Americans like Hershey chocolate but most Brits and Canadians don't. Maybe people grow an attachment to the chocolate they're raised on.

 its made differently thenthe euro chocolates. But still I hope your putting german or swedish chocolate under british.. that chocolate is better then chololate made in the UK/France. =P

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Amazing discussion about being wrong
Official VGChartz Folding@Home Team #109453

hershey's chocholate taste like wax

I am WEEzY. You can suck my Nintendo loving BALLS!



I like chocolates with a higher cocoa content than most of the stuff they sell here. The soft, sweet stuff doesn't do it for me. They do have rich dark chocolates here though, they just aren't the mainstream.

Dark chocolate is the best. Now if they could mix Hershey's dark chocolate with Hershey's crunch, I'd be in heaven. Or better yet, mix dark and mint. Mmmm.

OT: Couldn't they just change the packaging that the candy comes in?