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Forums - Sony Discussion - Playstation Meeting 2013 Discussion Thread! SEE THE FUTURE! PS4 incoming! NEW Yakuza and Atelier for PS4!? THE Last Guardian now an Orbis game!? Wallstreet Journal: Gaikai for BC!

This came out of nowhere. I wasn't prepared at ALLLLLLLLL!
What should I do ?

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NesFe said:
This came out of nowhere. I wasn't prepared at ALLLLLLLLL!
What should I do ?

Sell everything, prepare.

It's going to be a long 20 days....

Before the PS3 everyone was nice to me :(

M.U.G.E.N said:
EdHieron said:

I'm really hoping that this isn't a PS4 announcement because if it is, then the PS4 isn't likely to be as powerful as the NextBox, and I'm really hoping the PS4 will Be a Beast with Avatar and Tron Legacy quality graphics.

wait wut?

That sheep will stare straight through your soul.

TrevDaRev said:
M.U.G.E.N said:
EdHieron said:

I'm really hoping that this isn't a PS4 announcement because if it is, then the PS4 isn't likely to be as powerful as the NextBox, and I'm really hoping the PS4 will Be a Beast with Avatar and Tron Legacy quality graphics.

wait wut?

That sheep will stare straight through your soul.

That will be our expressions too...once we see the next PS game visuals :D

In-Kat-We-Trust Brigade!

"This world is Merciless, and it's also very beautiful"

For All News/Info related to the PlayStation Vita, Come and join us in the Official PSV Thread!

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What can we expect given previous console reveals from Sony?

Specs? Games? Vague release dates? Or will it be something brief with more big stuff saved for E3 (or some other event like that)?

I can't remember how they did it with the PS3, outside of remembering E3 2006 happening.



Can't wait for Feb. 20th now! PS4!?

milkyjoe said:
What can we expect given previous console reveals from Sony?

Specs? Games? Vague release dates? Or will it be something brief with more big stuff saved for E3 (or some other event like that)?

I can't remember how they did it with the PS3, outside of remembering E3 2006 happening.

the vita unveiling was VERY detailed. Excluding things like price we will see a lot. Game engines, game teasers, some specs, features, publisher support and so on :D

In-Kat-We-Trust Brigade!

"This world is Merciless, and it's also very beautiful"

For All News/Info related to the PlayStation Vita, Come and join us in the Official PSV Thread!


Well, let the discussion continue: which came first, the chicken or the PS4? #PlayStation2013