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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Microsoft Reports Record 2nd Quarter Profits

Entertainment and Devices Division had $357 million dollars in operating income for the quarter.  The entire company had a record $4.707 billion dollar profit for the quarter.

REDMOND, Wash. — January 24, 2008 — Microsoft Corp. today announced second quarter records for revenue, operating income and diluted earnings per share of $16.37 billion, $6.48 billion and $0.50, respectively. Compared to the year ago period, these figures represent growth of 30%, 87% and 92% for revenue, operating income and diluted earnings per share, respectively.

Results in the prior year were impacted by the deferral of $1.64 billion of revenue and operating income and $0.11 of diluted earnings per share from the second to the third quarter of fiscal 2007, due primarily to technology guarantee programs. Without these deferrals, second quarter growth rates for revenue, operating income and earnings per share would be 15%, 27% and 32%, respectively.

“Revenue of over $16 billion this quarter exceeds our previous record by $2 billion,” said Chris Liddell, chief financial officer at Microsoft. “We are extremely pleased by the broad based strength of our business performance and field execution. Throughout the first half of our fiscal year, all of our businesses met or beat our expectations.”

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still a LONG way to go to recoup their losses, but this definitely helps. 6.48 billion in total for a quarter...not too shabby.

Operating income isn't really profit. Net income is. The real profit for MS 4.707 billion (still huge). Unfortunately they don't break that down by division.

Bah, I needs mah divisional breakdown!

There is no such thing as a console war. This is the first step to game design.

gratz to MS. any way to tell exactly how the xbox did? the Entertainment and Devices Division includes other things like the zune correct?

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The entertainment division number is even higher than I anticipated.

The entertainment division number is even higher than I anticipated.

The game division had profit, which is a lot more than sony's game division can say.

crumas2 said:
The entertainment division number is even higher than I anticipated.

This is for the quarter, not the year, though.  It was clear they'd post a quarterly profit.  The question is whether they can post a yearly profit.

Also, this doesn't count the cost of their RROD repairs. 

Wow, that kicked the hell out of my $200m prediction.

Good job, MS. If they can manage another profitable quarter in April, I'll be doubly impressed.

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