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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Sony has less First Party Studios than Microsoft. 21 vs 15

DanneSandin said:
pokoko said:
DanneSandin said:

Might have to try out InFamous then! I'm not much of a FPS guy :p

What kind of games are Ratchet & Clank then? platformer I figure? And Sly as well? Yeah, I've been wanting SotC since I heard of it ^^

Is there any PS3 game recommendation thread around here? I could really need some suggestions for when the time comes and I get my hands on a PS3...

Valkyria Chronicles.  Seriously.  Incredible story, amazing art-style, and engaging non-grid SRPG gameplay.  The Disgaea franchise, which is a more standard SRPG style, is also a lot of fun.  There are also fantastic PS2 games like Persona 3: FES on PSN.

Can't help you with platformers, though, as it's not a genre I like.

What the hell is a SRPG? =S But I have heard of very good things about Valkyria...

Strategy RPG.  Think Final Fantasy Tactics, though Valkyria Chronicles is free movement where your characters can only go a limited distance per turn.

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i doubt if Sony ever teams up with slant6 again, and Insomniac is a big question mark even though they still do R&C games.

MS is gearing up for next gen. as they should, and Sony needs to take advantage of their studio count lead and JP next gen.

pokoko said:
DanneSandin said:
pokoko said:
DanneSandin said:

Might have to try out InFamous then! I'm not much of a FPS guy :p

What kind of games are Ratchet & Clank then? platformer I figure? And Sly as well? Yeah, I've been wanting SotC since I heard of it ^^

Is there any PS3 game recommendation thread around here? I could really need some suggestions for when the time comes and I get my hands on a PS3...

Valkyria Chronicles.  Seriously.  Incredible story, amazing art-style, and engaging non-grid SRPG gameplay.  The Disgaea franchise, which is a more standard SRPG style, is also a lot of fun.  There are also fantastic PS2 games like Persona 3: FES on PSN.

Can't help you with platformers, though, as it's not a genre I like.

What the hell is a SRPG? =S But I have heard of very good things about Valkyria...

Strategy RPG.  Think Final Fantasy Tactics, though Valkyria Chronicles is free movement where your characters can only go a limited distance per turn.

Hmmm, can't say those kind of RPG's have ever intrigued me... Xenoblade is the first (and  thus far only) jrpg I've played, and I love it - but turn based rpg's... I dunno...

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.

Kresnik said:
JayWood2010 said:
VGKing said:
LOL. There is a clear hidden agenda with this thread.
Most of these studios MS has are new and aren't even making games.

No hidden agenda.  It is very obvious that these are studios that have recently been built and are currently working on new games.  Not really sure of your point and why you say it is a hidden agenda.  All i did was state facts.  After that state your opinions but do not come inhere and say i have some kind of hidden agenda.  

But if you're really doing this in the interest of stating facts, why aren't you at least making changes based on some of the suggestions in here?  Wikipedia shouldn't be the end-all of your argument.

Sony Online Entertainment is a Sony-owned studio.  You can read all about them here if you don't believe me.

You also forgot xDev, the external development studio based in Europe.  If you're counting SCE Foster City for Sony and "Redmond Publishing" for Microsoft, I see no reason why they shouldn't be counted.

You're also missing Team Ico & Project Siren.  They're housed within Japan Studio, but they're very much their own teams.  If you count "Nintendo EAD" as one studio, then I can understand why you'd want to leave those two out.  But if you count Nintendo EAD as all the separate teams that they're divided up into, then you should really count Team Ico & Project Siren as separate as well.

Sorry.  I know it's not a massive deal, and I don't mind you bringing up this topic, it's produced some interesting discussion.  But there have been some points brought up not only by myself but other people regarding Sony's studios that you seem to be continually missing, and I think it's about time you updated the OP/Title.   It's not going to make any difference (Microsoft will still have more), but I just don't see why you'd want to base your argument off something which is incorrect.

Now correct me if Im wrong but Team ICO is apart of SCEJ.  If you think i need to correct something then tell me but dont say i have a hidden agenda.  If i wanted to create a thread for flamebait i could have very easily done it.  And as Ive proved in the past i have no problem doing such things.  

With that said if you want me to correct something then let me know what needs to be corrected


JayWood2010 said:
Kresnik said:

But if you're really doing this in the interest of stating facts, why aren't you at least making changes based on some of the suggestions in here?  Wikipedia shouldn't be the end-all of your argument.

Sony Online Entertainment is a Sony-owned studio.  You can read all about them here if you don't believe me.

You also forgot xDev, the external development studio based in Europe.  If you're counting SCE Foster City for Sony and "Redmond Publishing" for Microsoft, I see no reason why they shouldn't be counted.

You're also missing Team Ico & Project Siren.  They're housed within Japan Studio, but they're very much their own teams.  If you count "Nintendo EAD" as one studio, then I can understand why you'd want to leave those two out.  But if you count Nintendo EAD as all the separate teams that they're divided up into, then you should really count Team Ico & Project Siren as separate as well.

Sorry.  I know it's not a massive deal, and I don't mind you bringing up this topic, it's produced some interesting discussion.  But there have been some points brought up not only by myself but other people regarding Sony's studios that you seem to be continually missing, and I think it's about time you updated the OP/Title.   It's not going to make any difference (Microsoft will still have more), but I just don't see why you'd want to base your argument off something which is incorrect.

Now correct me if Im wrong but Team ICO is apart of SCEJ.  If you think i need to correct something then tell me but dont say i have a hidden agenda.  If i wanted to create a thread for flamebait i could have very easily done it.  And as Ive proved in the past i have no problem doing such things.  

With that said if you want me to correct something then let me know what needs to be corrected

Where did I say anything about a hidden agenda or flamebait threads?  Gee wizz, stop jumping the gun.

I literally just listed everything that I think you needed to correct.  Including the fact that Team Ico is part of Japan Studio but technically their own team.  I even made the comparison to Nintendo EAD.  So I take it from your response that you view Nintendo EAD as one studio?

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Kresnik said:
JayWood2010 said:
Kresnik said:

But if you're really doing this in the interest of stating facts, why aren't you at least making changes based on some of the suggestions in here?  Wikipedia shouldn't be the end-all of your argument.

Sony Online Entertainment is a Sony-owned studio.  You can read all about them here if you don't believe me.

You also forgot xDev, the external development studio based in Europe.  If you're counting SCE Foster City for Sony and "Redmond Publishing" for Microsoft, I see no reason why they shouldn't be counted.

You're also missing Team Ico & Project Siren.  They're housed within Japan Studio, but they're very much their own teams.  If you count "Nintendo EAD" as one studio, then I can understand why you'd want to leave those two out.  But if you count Nintendo EAD as all the separate teams that they're divided up into, then you should really count Team Ico & Project Siren as separate as well.

Sorry.  I know it's not a massive deal, and I don't mind you bringing up this topic, it's produced some interesting discussion.  But there have been some points brought up not only by myself but other people regarding Sony's studios that you seem to be continually missing, and I think it's about time you updated the OP/Title.   It's not going to make any difference (Microsoft will still have more), but I just don't see why you'd want to base your argument off something which is incorrect.

Now correct me if Im wrong but Team ICO is apart of SCEJ.  If you think i need to correct something then tell me but dont say i have a hidden agenda.  If i wanted to create a thread for flamebait i could have very easily done it.  And as Ive proved in the past i have no problem doing such things.  

With that said if you want me to correct something then let me know what needs to be corrected

Where did I say anything about a hidden agenda or flamebait threads?  Gee wizz, stop jumping the gun.

I literally just listed everything that I think you needed to correct.  Including the fact that Team Ico is part of Japan Studio but technically their own team.  I even made the comparison to Nintendo EAD.  So I take it from your response that you view Nintendo EAD as one studio?

Hidden Agenda is geared towards VGking or whoever it was i was originally replying to, not you.  

Anyways it is fixed as far as im aware of


Your list for Sony is wrong. You can't combine 6 or 7 studios and call it Studio Japan. Clap Hanz is also not second party.


Edit: Got thru the OP and couldn't help but just respond. Sorry if someone else already addressed it in the thread.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

It's weird how many people (mostly Sony fans it seems) argue that most of MS's studios haven't done anything. They almost seem agitated! These studios haven't released anything yet because they're quite new and haven't had time to produce a game yet! Give them time folks, give them time... This gen will be very interesting!!

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.

outlawauron said:

Your list for Sony is wrong. You can't combine 6 or 7 studios and call it Studio Japan. Clap Hanz is also not second party.


Edit: Got thru the OP and couldn't help but just respond. Sorry if someone else already addressed it in the thread.

Already fixed.  I included both Team Ico and that other studio that i dont know the name of.  


CGI-Quality said:
DanneSandin said:
It's weird how many people (mostly Sony fans it seems) argue that most of MS's studios haven't done anything. They almost seem agitated! These studios haven't released anything yet because they're quite new and haven't had time to produce a game yet! Give them time folks, give them time... This gen will be very interesting!!

I don't think anyone is arguing with your bottom line, they're just pointing out what hasn't happened yet. No different than saying give some of Sony's more quiet studios time. Same principle.

You tend to only comment to peple you disagree with but Id argue that Halo, Fable, and Forza has all been more than nothing.  Not to mention games that Rare has made that has been big successes like kinect Sports.  We are strictly talking about 1st party games but I'd aslo have to say that Microsoft has gained more third party support. And of course sony will continue to make games.  This list just shows that it seems MSFT has been planning for next generation and I find that to be huge and promising news.