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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - The Official Legend of Zelda Thread: Echoes of Wisdom Sells 3.91 Million Units

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I'll try and get it then. I seriously don't remember why I didn't get it, I mean I saw it, and I saw the good reviews....I don't know. I'll try downloading it for my 3DS if I can.

In case you didn't know, I have a comic book called Guardians. I'm the writer/creator of it, and we have four issues out right now, with our fifth coming out soon!

We're also doing a Patreon right now for the comic, and I'd appreciate any and all help in getting it funded. If 56 people pledged $3 per issue, we'll be funded

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Some new information on Wind Waker HD, courtesy of Zelda Informer:

The definitive version of The Wind Waker
5 Triforce Shards grabbed directly (no charts required)
Remaining 3 Triforce Shards will require translated charts
Sepia tint added to Hyrule Castle
In Hero Mode, enemies hit harder
In Hero Mode, health is only regained through potions
Hero Mode can be selected right away, no completion of the game required
Picto Box can take pictures of villagers and be posted on Miiverse
Picto Box now saves up to twelve photos
Link can take self-photos
You can change Link's facial expression in the photos from happy, sad, and surprised
Swift Sail can be attained at the auction house after the first dungeon
No alerts will be given that the sail exists; players must "read this post" or discover it for themselves!
Can't skip Tingle's Island - it has been added into the main quest
You can go into a full First-Person mode and shoot arrows like in an FPS
Yes, you can move while in First-Person mode
You can't, however, swing a sword or throw bombs in FP mode. This isn't "Skyrim", folks
GamePad is apparently a beautiful tool for first person gun/arrow play
GamePad in FP mode uses relative center - so the center of the combat becomes where you were holding the pad at that time
You can adjust his view point by moving Link with the left stick and using the right stick and GamePad
This increased versatility makes standard dual-stick FPS controls feel clumsy


Trailer for proof -

Check out my Upcoming Wii U Games 2014 Thread

3DS Friend Code: 4553 - 9954 - 4854. Name - David

Special Edition WW Wii U it seems (:

Trailer for proof -

Check out my Upcoming Wii U Games 2014 Thread

3DS Friend Code: 4553 - 9954 - 4854. Name - David

AlphaCielago said:

Special Edition WW Wii U it seems (:

Trailer for proof -

Blarggg it happens again .

At least they didn't go overboard and it's only a small decoration on the Gamepad. I'll just get it on ebay 20 years from now or something.

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I'm just thrilled that North America gets vibrant box art this time.

Mockups are always better. Guess for at least one time Nintendo should copy or try to be better. Oh well, at least the convince me to buy the HD remake. Now it actually feels like a remake. Cannot wait to battle the final boss with those new graphics.

About TP HD, I think it will happen in the Wii U, late in the cycle, after the original one, something like 2016.
2013 - WWHD
2014-2015 - Zelda U
2016 - TP HD

Zelda U succesor will happen in the Wii U succesor. I believe it's easier for them to remake TP than developing a sequel to Zelda U, considering how bad they are struggling with the Wii U development. Or maybe we'll get a direct sequel to Zelda U, ala Majora's Mask-Ocarina of Time.

Proud to be the first cool Nintendo fan ever

Number ONE Zelda fan in the Universe

DKCTF didn't move consoles

Prediction: No Zelda HD for Wii U, quietly moved to the succesor

Predictions for Nintendo NX and Mobile

S.Peelman said:
AlphaCielago said:

Special Edition WW Wii U it seems (:

Trailer for proof -

Blarggg it happens again .

At least they didn't go overboard and it's only a small decoration on the Gamepad. I'll just get it on ebay 20 years from now or something.

I feel your pain :(

I really want that Wii U. But I can't justify another $350.

Veknoid_Outcast said:

I feel your pain :(

I really want that Wii U. But I can't justify another $350.

Certainly not.

Luckily I didn't see it announced for Europe anywhere (well, it's 'officially' not announced anywhere I think), so I'll have an excuse for not having it .

I was probably the happiest person in the world last night.

Of course, I am talking about a Zelda related moment, what else would make me happy at night? Finally. I did it, I beat Zelda II: The Adventure of Link for the first time ever. The original cartridge on my NES of course, I don't wuss out by playing it on virtual console. This now replaces beating the original Zelda a couple of years ago as the greatest gaming achievement of my life. Was it hard? Yes, it's brutal.

I had never even been able to get past the first dungeon (not on NES, not on GC and not on 3DS, though I barely tried on the last one), until I found the secret. After first leveling up a few times I was strong enough to get through the first dungeon. What a relief.

According to the counter, I've been game-over 62 times. With the 3 lives you get plus the 5 extra lives I got during the whole game, that means I've died a whopping 191 times! The 2nd, 5th, 6th and last dungeons (those jumping knight enemies!) gave me the most problems. Besides that, the journey to the 4th dungeon, the Maze Island, and the long path towards the last dungeon, the Valley of Death were serious struggles. Especially the latter, it lives up to it's name. As far as bosses go, they're all hard but I had the most difficult time with the 6th boss, the fire dragon. Also, the Thunderbird in the final dungeon gave me a hard time.

Funnily though, the things this game's difficulty is notorious for gave me little problems. Death Mountain and Dark Link were both 'doable'. Yes, they were still hard and still I died, but it didn't took a lot of tries to get through those parts. Dark Link's fight is long, because it's extremely hard to hit him and you have to be lucky enough to stay alive long enough by jumping around frantically dodging everything, but at least he doesn't deal a whole lot of damage surprisingly, contrary to the Thunderbird right before him who kills you in only four hits. I do probably make it sound easier than it was though, because I finished that final battle with only half a pixel of health left...

So naturally I'm in a happy mood still, and with beating this game, I've beaten every Zelda game that's in my possession, and all but one in the series. The only one left is Four Swords Adventures, which I don't have...