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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - The Official Legend of Zelda Thread: Echoes of Wisdom Sells 3.91 Million Units

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Discovered a small trick in Link’s Awakening.

If you Game Over, load the seperate auto-save instead of continuing to play (really, don’t take another step after respawning). Might mean you’ll have to redo a couple of minutes, but it keeps your death-count at zero. And we know what zero deaths means...

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Wyrdness said:

Every time I see him do the thing where he "reflects" a bomb blast that went off in his face with a shield, it just feels like this guy can't be real, but damn, look at him go, what a madlad. I just want to see an edit that removes all the menus and feel like I'm watching an anime. For such fluid and varied combat to be possible outside of a game specifically designed for it like DMC, just coming organically out of the game's mechanics, Nintendo has really pulled off something incredible with BotW. Link feels like the badass we've always imagined him to be, like a warrior repeatedly reincarnated with lifetimes of battle experience should be.

14 millions is well deserved. I hope it goes to 20 millions !!

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Mar1217 said:
noemie75 said:

14 millions is well deserved. I hope it goes to 20 millions !!

With WiiU numbers, it's probably already at 16 millions sold !

Anyone know where we can possibly get the Wii U version numbers as tbh all we know is that it was at 2m total.

Wyrdness said:
Mar1217 said:

With WiiU numbers, it's probably already at 16 millions sold !

Anyone know where we can possibly get the Wii U version numbers as tbh all we know is that it was at 2m total.

I don’t know, but I doubt it got another shipment though. Twilight Princess’ release was also limited on GameCube.

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And to think some folks say the combat is weak in BOTW. It is possible to get by in the game without plumbing its depths, just as its possible to beat most action games on easy/normal without completely mastering every nuance, but this really showcases just how dynamic and elegant it really is.

I have the game on WiiU. It honestly deserves 20~ million sales.
Breath of the Wild 2 could fix allot of shortcomings the original game had. (Framerate, Small Dungeons/Collect-a-thon, fragile weapons.) and bring the success home.

Really really want to get Links Awakening, but I just don't want to buy a Switch in it's current hardware incarnation. Haha
Got lots of fond memories playing the Gameboy version back when I was younger when it first came out.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--

One thing I feel is getting overlooked with Link's Awakening is that it's the developer's first ever HD project; they've only ever made 3DS/DS/Wii games before this. Not bad for a first attempt. Even a lot of really talented developers struggle a bit the first time working on HD-tier hardware.

curl-6 said:

One thing I feel is getting overlooked with Link's Awakening is that it's the developer's first ever HD project; they've only ever made 3DS/DS/Wii games before this. Not bad for a first attempt. Even a lot of really talented developers struggle a bit the first time working on HD-tier hardware.

It seems to be a solid game anyway.
I mean Breath of the Wild had frame rate issues on both the Switch and WiiU, it's just the nature of having weaker hardware and trying to push the visuals out.

Doesn't make the game terrible in the slightest, just a small niggle I guess.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--

So, now that I finished the DX version of Link's Awakening, decided to do a personal top with the games I have played and enjoyed the most.
Gonna separate into 2D and 3D as I consider both as different (2D games are harder to me):

1. A Link to the Past. The one I enjoyed the most. Not as hard as the NES ones, and with a lot of dungeons. My favorites are the Ice Palace, Misery Mire, Turtle Rock and Ganon's Tower.

2. A Link Between Worlds. Honestly, I believe that the improved controls over the past Zelda games are what I enjoyed the most about the game, but I find to be a "reimagining" of ALTTP. Still, prefer the tone of ALTTP.

3. Zelda II. With the rewind feature I can enjoy finally this game. Love the overworld, magic usage, combat, AI and the palace theme. Still hate the final dungeon. And of course, I had to use I guide.

4. Zelda NES. Also with a guide, but I love the overworld. One of the best inthe entire series.

5. Minish Cap. Oddly, I believe this is the best usage of the toon Link artstyle, until TWW HD. Overall good game, but cannot care about Vaati as a villan. Reminds me of the final boss of Okami, btw.

6. Triforce Heroes. Similar to ALBW, the controls are refined and way better than most other 2D Zelda games. Anyone that loves the puzzles in Zelda games, play this one but in solo mode. You are going to love it.

7. Phantoom Hourglass. Better and larger game than I expected. Loved the temple of the Ocean King as I played it with the idea of a way to measure my progress.

8. Link's Awakening. Good game, but I didn't like the controls. Constant swap of items and enemies respawing constantly, especially in dungeons, bothered me tbh.

9. Oracle of Ages. Another good game.

10. Oracle of Seasons. Haven't finished. Got burned after playing LA and OoA one after another.

11. Spirit Tracks. Same as OoS. Played on the Wii U VC after PH. Have to finish one day, although I saw a complete walkthrough in YT.

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