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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - The Official Legend of Zelda Thread: Echoes of Wisdom Sells 3.91 Million Units

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I'll have to see some gameplay and get some idea of what the game will be like mechanically before I can get hyped, but I am very glad to see them stick with BOTW's style. I'm liking the darker vibe too.

2021 release at the earliest though; if there's one thing we've learned about the Zelda team it's that they take their time.

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Help, I can't handle all this Zelda hype! We've got Cadence of Hyrule out in two days, Link's Awakening Remake moved up to SEPTEMBER(!), and a fucking BOTW sequel announced! I don't remember the last time we got this much good Zelda news at once!

curl-6 said:

I'll have to see some gameplay and get some idea of what the game will be like mechanically before I can get hyped, but I am very glad to see them stick with BOTW's style. I'm liking the darker vibe too.

2021 release at the earliest though; if there's one thing we've learned about the Zelda team it's that they take their time.

Based on the footage, it looks like it has been in development for a little while already. Looks like a Majora's Mask style sequel, reusing the assets of the first game, which means we could see a much faster development time. Holiday 2021 should be pretty easy for them to accomplish.

HylianSwordsman said:
curl-6 said:

I'll have to see some gameplay and get some idea of what the game will be like mechanically before I can get hyped, but I am very glad to see them stick with BOTW's style. I'm liking the darker vibe too.

2021 release at the earliest though; if there's one thing we've learned about the Zelda team it's that they take their time.

Based on the footage, it looks like it has been in development for a little while already. Looks like a Majora's Mask style sequel, reusing the assets of the first game, which means we could see a much faster development time. Holiday 2021 should be pretty easy for them to accomplish.

2021 should be a safe bet in terms of development, only reason I added "at the earliest" was to take into account other factors like if Switch 2 comes out in 2022 and they wanna hold it back as a crossgen release like BOTW.

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First Look Trailer at Sequel to BotW!

New Trailer for Link's Awakening on Switch! With Dungeon Maker!

New Cadence of Hyrule Trailer!

Crypt of the Necrodancer is 80% off in the NA eShop right now!

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That limited edition is awesome of links awakening! So hyped for Botw sequel