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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - The Official Legend of Zelda Thread: Echoes of Wisdom Sells 3.91 Million Units

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Wow, must’ve been some work.

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With the officials numbers of BOTW (NS) and the last known total of the Wii U version BOTW would roughly be at 14.7m just 300k off hitting the 15m mark.

OoT when including the remake is at 13.2m or something; 7.6 plus 5.6-ish. Plus however many were bundled with GameCubes but I think that numbers’s unknown as those were a limited release.

That cheating though.

Mar1217 said:
Wyrdness said:
With the officials numbers of BOTW (NS) and the last known total of the Wii U version BOTW would roughly be at 14.7m just 300k off hitting the 15m mark.

What was Oot Total sales with the all the re-release + 3DS remaster ? I feel like Botw is awfully close to that total already, if not already surpassed ...

13.93m, BOTW has already passed it in total and could very well pass it on NS alone with sales this year.

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Light up your room and remain safe at all times with one of the most powerful swords from gaming!

Perfect for any gamer’s bedroom, mancave or gaming den, the USB or battery powered light is approximately 30cm (12″) tall (USB cable included, 3x AA batteries not included).

  • A replica of the Twilight Princess Master Sword.
  • Push the Triforce logo to turn on.
  • Approximately 30cm (12″) tall
  • USB or battery powered (USB cable included, 3x AA batteries not included).


Digital Foundry takes a look at BotW in VR

"Virtual reality works best by using a high resolution screen and a high frame-rate, with 60fps the acknowledged minimum for VR experiences - even in the mobile space. Zelda is immediately challenged by deficiencies there on both counts. The standard game runs at 30 frames per second with some performance dips, but these deviations from the target frame-rate are amplified when running in VR - presumably because the entire scene is rendered twice, with unique viewpoints for each eye. The bottom line is that performance jumps between 30fps and 20fps, causing genuine motion sickness problems."


I bought that Master Sword lamp, were only three left, ships in August. Thanks Veknoid, you’re costing me money.

S.Peelman said:
I bought that Master Sword lamp, were only three left, ships in August. Thanks Veknoid, you’re costing me money.

Let us know what it's like when it arrives. It looks pretty darn cool!