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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - The Official Legend of Zelda Thread: Echoes of Wisdom Sells 3.91 Million Units

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Interesting note RE2 released the same year as OOT now 21 years later REmake 2 releases the same year as another Zelda game in LA's remake, this also follows RE7 releasing the same year as BOTW both these two games are noted for changing their series' approach and formula. Wind Waker also released in Japan in 2002 the same year as REmake 1 and RE0.

I think a Master Quest Mode, with some form of re-jigged content (preferably new dungeons) as well as tougher enemies, would be a welcome addition. Extra optional dungeons would be nice and maybe side-quests, but I can't see them changing too much of the core experience. A 'Master Quest' and a multiplayer mode seem the likeliest additions to me. Nintendo's website actually lists the number of players for Link's Awakening as 'TBD', which suggests that at least some new content might actually come in the form of a multiplayer mode that's yet to be revealed - both Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks had multiplayer modes, for example.

I think it's time for a new poll :)

Here are the results from last time:

Links Awakening Remastered reminds me SO VERY MUCH of 3D Dot Game Heroes. Wonderful little Zelda-inspired indie on the PS3.

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Breath of the Wild 2 years old today! Happy Birthday, greatest game in very long time!

S.Peelman said:

Breath of the Wild 2 years old today! Happy Birthday, greatest game in very long time!

break out the candles! WHOOOT!

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S.Peelman said:

Breath of the Wild 2 years old today! Happy Birthday, greatest game in very long time!

Hard to believe it's been two years. Time flies.

Such a magnificent, magical game. It'll probably be a long time until we get something that tops it.

Zelda from Breath of the Wild is coming soon from Nendoroid!


It took me a while but I finally reached 100% completion rate on shrines and Korok seeds, which meant it was time to face and defeat Ganon. After watching the end credits and cutscenes I feel empty inside, but in a satisfied way. Unfortunately I played more than the Hero's Path mechanic could record but it was fun to just watch it anyway and I was surprised by how much of my adventure I actually remembered.

I didn't have any major issues with the game but now that I'm done there are a few things I personally would've liked changed or added:

Helpless NPC's

Running into NPC's that have been attacked by enemies is a nice addition but it happened too frequently.


Clues for finding Koroks

This might've been too much work but I would've loved if you got a book in the Lost Woods with clues in the form of one or two sentence rhymes for each Korok so you didn't have to run around and search every inch of the world to find them. While I got all the seeds I did look up a guide when I didn't feel like searching an area anymore, to see if I had missed any.


Ability to repair equipment

I'm in the 'Yay' camp when it comes to weapon durability, as it means you can't just go into battle and mash buttons and expect to win, and the system also awards you for beeing smart and tactical when getting into combat. However, I would've liked the ability to repair damaged equipment (unless it's completely broken in which case that piece of equipment should be lost) either by using ores or by visiting a blacksmith.


Recipe book

I do wish there was a way to save recipes of discovered dishes. It wouldn't be necessary to save every combination for making a certain dish but at least the first one.