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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - The Official Legend of Zelda Thread: Echoes of Wisdom Sells 3.91 Million Units

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AngryLittleAlchemist said:
psychicscubadiver said:

I'm pretty sure I was talking about the Muwo Jeem Shrine near the Hateno Research Facility ... which is one of the first areas you go to the in the story. I got to the Hateno Village in only a few hours, and that's including a lot of time fucking around and not doing the story. It's a few minutes walk from the village, but it's pretty close and honestly I felt like it was a deliberate point of interest from where you stand in the research facility (it sticks out like a sore thumb because it's like a big branch formation sticking out at the sea). There you go. Either way, whether you like the example or not the point still stands. 

I think I know which one you mean.

It wasn’t directly on the most common path but it was a tempting area to go to. And it’s early in the game. To be fair I had a hard time with that shrine as well, and kind of dreaded every shrine that was named ‘Test of Strength’ afterwards. Outside, a bit downhill, there were Bokoblins carrying ‘Knight’s Broadswords’ though, which are pretty good weapons, and I had to go back outside to harvest multiple of them a couple of times. In the end though after some tries I beat it.

Later on, especially after you find the Master Sword, even these Major Tests of Strength aren’t that much of a problem anymore.

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AngryLittleAlchemist said:
psychicscubadiver said:

I'm pretty sure I was talking about the Muwo Jeem Shrine near the Hateno Research Facility ... which is one of the first areas you go to the in the story. I got to the Hateno Village in only a few hours, and that's including a lot of time fucking around and not doing the story. It's a few minutes walk from the village, but it's pretty close and honestly I felt like it was a deliberate point of interest from where you stand in the research facility (it sticks out like a sore thumb because it's like a big branch formation sticking out at the sea). There you go. Either way, whether you like the example or not the point still stands. 

Oh, so a Modest Test, not a Major Test. Yeah, Modest Tests are not even close to 'the toughest shrine bosses'. How on Earth did you run out of weapons against only a Modest? There are two Bokoblin camps with good equipment on the cliffs leading up to it. If you followed the story, you should've run into Hestu and gotten an expanded inventory too. Honestly, this only seems more suspicious and does not serve as a good example of your point.

AngryLittleAlchemist said:

The game did show you whats up you went into a modest test with out preparation and got shown whose yard it is and as diver pointed out the are ways to prepare for it just fine so yes it's a failure of preparation and management on your side here even someone else who had some trouble with the same shrine has highlighted how much easier they are when you come back later with better equipment and such, it's not a high concept you need to grasp it's one that you didn't respect and the shrine Guardian gave you a lesson in why you should. Shortcut switching doesn't even bring up the menu or interface it's an instant switch to another weapon so I don't know what else you want from a shortcut.

The RE2 comparison is the same thing because it's an example of the player not managing aspects of the game properly if you don't respect aspects the game sets out then any game is going to punish you through consequence that's the point you're here trying to compare RE2 and BOTW as games when the point is the context of the comparison, it's not even about liking durability at this point it's just pointing out where you went wrong.

Many exploits in mechanics in most games are specific to conditions BOTW fortunately has so many to use for different situations, a lot of tech in games like Melee/Bayo/DMC/GOW etc... are easy to pull off as well it's using them in the right situation that's tricky which is no different to BOTW, you're also being vague when it comes to in depth combat.

Mar1217 said:
Pavolink said:

This made me want to replay Skyward Sword.

Iirc, this is the fountain at Eldin near the volcano, is it?

Where exactly ? Is this in the Antalaya region ?

Yes. That region.

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Number ONE Zelda fan in the Universe

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Mar1217 said:
Pavolink said:

Yes. That region.

Nice, I'll go explore a bit there once I resume my playthrough !

Go for it. I’m planning on doing soon my sixth playthrough, and no hurry to 100% the game.

Proud to be the first cool Nintendo fan ever

Number ONE Zelda fan in the Universe

DKCTF didn't move consoles

Prediction: No Zelda HD for Wii U, quietly moved to the succesor

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psychicscubadiver said:
AngryLittleAlchemist said:

I'm pretty sure I was talking about the Muwo Jeem Shrine near the Hateno Research Facility ... which is one of the first areas you go to the in the story. I got to the Hateno Village in only a few hours, and that's including a lot of time fucking around and not doing the story. It's a few minutes walk from the village, but it's pretty close and honestly I felt like it was a deliberate point of interest from where you stand in the research facility (it sticks out like a sore thumb because it's like a big branch formation sticking out at the sea). There you go. Either way, whether you like the example or not the point still stands. 

Oh, so a Modest Test, not a Major Test. Yeah, Modest Tests are not even close to 'the toughest shrine bosses'. How on Earth did you run out of weapons against only a Modest? There are two Bokoblin camps with good equipment on the cliffs leading up to it. If you followed the story, you should've run into Hestu and gotten an expanded inventory too. Honestly, this only seems more suspicious and does not serve as a good example of your point.

Dude, I'm literally describing something that happened almost two years ago. Lay off me. You are trying WAYYYY toooo hard to discredit an example and you're not even arguing the actual point. If a point can stand without an example, trying to deflate someone's example isn't really helping your case.

Ironically enough, you're still wrong. Because the research center *does* have a Major Test of Strength near it, despite the fact that it's one of the first places you go in the story:

The only reason I had guessed it was the one on the cliff was because when I looked up a a "Major Test of Strengths" guide, for some reason the one I looked at must have linked to another page that featured the shrine on the cliff. But yes, the Chaas Qeta Shrine was the one I was thinking of.

I did *both* shrines early in the game, so I honestly couldn't tell you which one was difficult for me at first, because again I thought I had read they were both major tests of strength. Because like a lot of other people did, when I got to the shrine near the cliff I used it to get closer to the island. 

There's even an entire reddit thread about how easy it is to accidently stumble upon test of strength:

Someone even wrote in the thread "Honestly, on a second playthrough it's not even a question of difficulty; I never took any damage during a test of strength in mine, so it's just a question of whether your weapons can deal enough damage before they break". 

I appreciate the fact that you're being honest, but it comes off like you're trying so hard to defend the game to the point of just being rude. I'm not a "liar" and my story isn't "fishy", it actually happened. It just happened a long time ago ...

Last edited by AngryLittleAlchemist - on 28 January 2019

Wyrdness said:
AngryLittleAlchemist said:

The game did show you whats up you went into a modest test with out preparation and got shown whose yard it is and as diver pointed out the are ways to prepare for it just fine so yes it's a failure of preparation and management on your side here even someone else who had some trouble with the same shrine has highlighted how much easier they are when you come back later with better equipment and such, it's not a high concept you need to grasp it's one that you didn't respect and the shrine Guardian gave you a lesson in why you should. Shortcut switching doesn't even bring up the menu or interface it's an instant switch to another weapon so I don't know what else you want from a shortcut.

The RE2 comparison is the same thing because it's an example of the player not managing aspects of the game properly if you don't respect aspects the game sets out then any game is going to punish you through consequence that's the point you're here trying to compare RE2 and BOTW as games when the point is the context of the comparison, it's not even about liking durability at this point it's just pointing out where you went wrong.

Many exploits in mechanics in most games are specific to conditions BOTW fortunately has so many to use for different situations, a lot of tech in games like Melee/Bayo/DMC/GOW etc... are easy to pull off as well it's using them in the right situation that's tricky which is no different to BOTW, you're also being vague when it comes to in depth combat.

It wasn't modest, I was looking at the wrong shrine near the Hateno lmao.

No it isn't, it's an excuse to make an example that's a stretch, but still isn't a very good example. If someone's entire point is that a durability mechanic is too overblown and destroys all their inventory, and your response is "Yeah but in the current state of the game it's like you're going into a boss battle with no bullets", then you somehow missed that that's the entire point of the argument being made! You shouldn't have an entire inventory of weapons and still not be prepared enough to face a boss which, quite frankly, is pretty easy if not for the weapon durability mechanic. That's the point being made! Instead all your poorly thought out RE2 example is telling me is that in the *current state of the game*, I wasn't prepared enough. Yes, I'm not arguing that, I'm saying that shouldn't be the case, specifically in a sequel. How are we this far into the conversation and you're not understanding this? We aren't even arguing the same thing at this point.

AngryLittleAlchemist said:


You're using fallacies now to try and continue your rant the point in RE2 is if you use up too much ammo before hand don't complain if if you come across a boss where you run out of ammo during the fight because it's down to you not respecting a key aspect of the game in the RE2 thread the are people who have had to start their game over again because they used too much ammo in BOTW if you wonder into an area you aren't prepared for expect to get whooped or chased out that's the general point and context at this point you're trying hard to ignore the contextual part and using straw man response in regards to the comparison. You wondered into a modest level shrine and got blown out by the occupant because you were nowhere prepared for it as mentioned by others here who prepared for the shrine after they came across it they're not that hard to deal with when you go in with the appropriate gear not sticks, pitch forks and rusty swords.

Wyrdness said:
AngryLittleAlchemist said:


You're using fallacies now to try and continue your rant the point in RE2 is if you use up too much ammo before hand don't complain if if you come across a boss where you run out of ammo during the fight because it's down to you not respecting a key aspect of the game in the RE2 thread the are people who have had to start their game over again because they used too much ammo in BOTW if you wonder into an area you aren't prepared for expect to get whooped or chased out that's the general point and context at this point you're trying hard to ignore the contextual part and using straw man response in regards to the comparison. You wondered into a modest level shrine and got blown out by the occupant because you were nowhere prepared for it as mentioned by others here who prepared for the shrine after they came across it they're not that hard to deal with when you go in with the appropriate gear not sticks, pitch forks and rusty swords.

Wait, what? How is that a fallacy? 

Literally all I said was that we're not even arguing the same thing anymore because ... we aren't! That's not a fallacy. 

You keep talking about how "prepared" I should have been and how I wasn't "prepared" enough for that boss in the game. When my entire counter-argument is that an entire arsenal of weapons should have been enough to destroy a boss, just repeating that point over and over again isn't doing yourself any favors. You're basically just saying "Yeah, to the standard the game wants you weren't prepared enough", which isn't what i'm arguing, what i'm saying is "This standard is absolutely ridiculous and weapon durability minimizes skill-based combat, so it shouldn't be in the game". Just saying "be more prepared" isn't a counter-argument against someone saying the standards of preparation are too high. Especially when the problem isn't even a lack of ability or skill, the problem is the weapon durability mechanic makes it infuriating. 

Also, if you read what I wrote you would know it wasn't a modest shrine.

AngryLittleAlchemist said:
Wyrdness said:

You're using fallacies now to try and continue your rant the point in RE2 is if you use up too much ammo before hand don't complain if if you come across a boss where you run out of ammo during the fight because it's down to you not respecting a key aspect of the game in the RE2 thread the are people who have had to start their game over again because they used too much ammo in BOTW if you wonder into an area you aren't prepared for expect to get whooped or chased out that's the general point and context at this point you're trying hard to ignore the contextual part and using straw man response in regards to the comparison. You wondered into a modest level shrine and got blown out by the occupant because you were nowhere prepared for it as mentioned by others here who prepared for the shrine after they came across it they're not that hard to deal with when you go in with the appropriate gear not sticks, pitch forks and rusty swords.

Wait, what? How is that a fallacy? 

Literally all I said was that we're not even arguing the same thing anymore because ... we aren't! That's not a fallacy. 

You keep talking about how "prepared" I should have been and how I wasn't "prepared" enough for that boss in the game. When my entire counter-argument is that an entire arsenal of weapons should have been enough to destroy a boss, just repeating that point over and over again isn't doing yourself any favors. You're basically just saying "Yeah, to the standard the game wants you weren't prepared enough", which isn't what i'm arguing, what i'm saying is "This standard is absolutely ridiculous and weapon durability minimizes skill-based combat, so it shouldn't be in the game". Just saying "be more prepared" isn't a counter-argument against someone saying the standards of preparation are too high. Especially when the problem isn't even a lack of ability or skill, the problem is the weapon durability mechanic makes it infuriating. 

Also, if you read what I wrote you would know it wasn't a modest shrine.

You need to just stop. You are wrong. 

YOu say it's the beginning of the game. It's an open world, you can go anywhere. Some argue Hateno village is where you shoudl go first, while other parts of cutscenes and dialogue suggest the one goes to the Sky place first. But point is, you can easily have enough powerful weapon on the Plateu alone to beat that Major Test of Strength. But beyond htat, on the path to Hateno village, you run into guys who tell you about some secret treasure that gets you good weapons. As people have said, there is enemies with plenty of weapons near the shrine. Ect.

OH and guess what I did at times. I enter a shrine, see it says "difficulty Test of Strength" and I look at inventory.  Depending on my stuff I either go forward or turn around and exit. You are not forced to do the shrine when you enter it. So if you accidently enter something too hard, you leave. Oh and besides the tests of strength, every other shrine is beatable with the runes or the items given in the dungeon alone.

But don't bring in shit like, "Oh following the story, you see this tempting shrine in distance" as an excuse that it should be easy or people will go there. What about the fucking hyrulian castle that is tempting and sitting in view nearly at all times. You gonna bitch and moan that heading towards that is hard and you get killed and can't beat the guardians. 

THis isn't about "get good" it's a bout common sense. You enter a test of major strength shrine and your bitch ass is only carrying some deku sticks and a rusty broadsword, LEAVE.

I know what shrine you talking about. I recal vividly going to it on Master Mode very early. Stepped in shrine, read what shrine it was, laughed and was like "hell no" and left. 

Last edited by irstupid - on 28 January 2019