wait I take back my previous comment if we are counting the ds Zelda as 3d Zelda games. I absolutely hated phantom hourglass yet my dumb ass still bought spirit tracks which was even more frustrating
wait I take back my previous comment if we are counting the ds Zelda as 3d Zelda games. I absolutely hated phantom hourglass yet my dumb ass still bought spirit tracks which was even more frustrating
Runa216 said: Wind Waker: *wall of text* You're allowed to like other games more but to say it's mediocre or 'just good' is plain wrong. |
Runa216 said: I know the game got great reviews, but to this day I genuinely have no idea how. Skyward Sword is one of my infamous outliers alongside other terrible games in franchises I otherwise love. 14 - Skyward Sword (Broken, unplayable tech demo for babies) I love me some Zelda. I hate me some Skyward Sword. |
So we can't say Wind Waker is mediocre but you can say Skyward Sword is awful? That is a double standard if I've ever seen one.
Also, Skyward Sword is one of my favorite games ever (If not my #1) while I consider BotW my biggest disappointment in gaming. Just so you know, really ;)
mZuzek said: Wait, were you actually expecting any better from a Skyward Sword hater? |
Well, I didn't know he was one before. Way too many haters for this game already, someone has to call people out sometimes lol =P
mZuzek said:
15. Link's Awakening |
Dude. What the h*ll? :-|
1. Ocarina of Time
2. Link’s Awakening
3. Breath of the Wild
4. Twilight Princess
5. Majora’s Mask
6. A Link to the Past
7. Skyward Sword
8. The Wind Waker
9. Spirit Tracks
10. A Link Between Worlds
11. The Legend of Zelda
12. Oracle of Ages
13. Oracle of Seasons
14. Adventure of Link
15. Phantom Hourglass
16. The Minish Cap
17. Four Swords
18. Triforce Heroes
Played and completed all those, because I have them all on their original hardware. Only one I still haven’t played is Four Swords Adventures, but I assume it would be 17th. Ocarina of Time through A Link to the Past are brilliant. Four Swords is bad, Triforce Heroes is terrible, and not just for a Zelda game. Skyward Sword is just shy of brilliant, if the overworld was connected with a field it basically would be. I also loved the sword fighting. I used to put Spirit Tracks above The Wind Waker, but the HD remaster did wonders for the latter. The original NES game is still good but has been improved in almost every way by now. Phantom Hourglass is mediocre, because it’s just not memorable. The Minish Cap it the worst ‘real’ Zelda game, pretty much everything is annoying in some way and it’s by far the easiest game making even The Wind Waker look like Ninja Gaiden.
Vini256 said:
So we can't say Wind Waker is mediocre but you can say Skyward Sword is awful? That is a double standard if I've ever seen one. Also, Skyward Sword is one of my favorite games ever (If not my #1) while I consider BotW my biggest disappointment in gaming. Just so you know, really ;) |
(savage parts highlighted)
mZuzek said: Was just debating Zelda with some dude on Discord and he dropped this gem about the fanbase:
>gets WW >gets TP, a darker more mature zelda >gets SS, an amazing story that shows the origins of the master sword >gets BotW, which lets you do anything |
Why do you think the Miyamoto meme exists.
mZuzek said:
It's been my least favorite ever since I first played it almost 6 years ago. I'm sorry you didn't know it yet. I just don't like it. My main issue with it are the constant roadblocks - it felt like I couldn't ever make progress in that game and was being constantly forced to go back through everything a million times until I gave up on finding the key I needed to find and looked it up on the internet. Everytime I finished a dungeon it was always the same thing: someone (the owl) points you at the next one, then you go in that direction and boom, there's this annoying roadblock you can't get through because you don't have "specific item X" that unlocks "specific roadblock X" and does nothing else... besides, most of these items had to be acquired through things you'd normally think of as sidequests in most other games, so I never had a clue I had to do 'em, especially since these quests rarely begin with any clear indication of where they're eventually headed to. Basically if you don't engage with everything you see from the beginning of the game, you're gonna be constantly lost - and of course I didn't, because I wasn't crazy interested in the game's setting/characters/story/etc. and the gameplay did nothing for me. Then there's the problem of it giving you the big plot twist for free halfway through the game, removing any surprise factor you could have later. I'm sure they did that because you were supposed to spend half the game questioning your actions, but I since didn't really care about what was going on, I just kept playing normally. It's still a good game though, I can see why some like it. I'd rate it a 7/10 probably. |
Nah I knew it was one of your least favorites. You actually bring up a fair point with the road blocks, but since I did do everything from the start I never had any problems. I only experienced one streak of greatness.
mZuzek said: Was just debating Zelda with some dude on Discord and he dropped this gem about the fanbase:
>gets WW >gets TP, a darker more mature zelda >gets SS, an amazing story that shows the origins of the master sword >gets BotW, which lets you do anything |
can't speak for others but Skyward Sword is the only console Zelda game I am not fond of and the story is far from what I'd call amazing or even just good
Wyrdness said:
Why do you think the Miyamoto meme exists.
Kind of a dumb image honestly ... 99% of "contradictions" can be explained by this thing called nuance.
Also a pretty unfunny use of the Asian's talk funny stereotype.