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Wyrdness said:
mZuzek said:

Was just debating Zelda with some dude on Discord and he dropped this gem about the fanbase:


>gets WW
"this game is for children we want a real man's zelda game!"

>gets TP, a darker more mature zelda
"this game is trying too hard to be ocarina of time! we want an original story!"

 >gets SS, an amazing story that shows the origins of the master sword
"this game is too linear, I want more options!"

>gets BotW, which lets you do anything
"this game has sucky music and bad story"

Why do you think the Miyamoto meme exists.


Kind of a dumb image honestly ... 99% of "contradictions" can be explained by this thing called nuance. 


Also a pretty unfunny use of the Asian's talk funny stereotype.