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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - The Official Legend of Zelda Thread: Echoes of Wisdom Sells 3.91 Million Units

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I'll also be reviewing the game for the site, so please stay tuned for that!

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I'll be picking it up, not sure when I'll get around to actually play it - I must admit, I'm not terribly excited about it, but that might change once I actually sit down to play it.

What I am excited about is that rumour (well, more of an educated speculation based on previous similar situations) about OoT remake.

Well, after playing for a while - really low effort.

Amount of echoes is ridiculous, if I had objections about abilities in BotW/TotK cheapening exploration, echoes completely trivialize it in this game, along with making combat an utterly banal affair. I'll keep on playing, it's not a terrible game, but it falls flat in right about every aspect. For now, I find that both Meta score of 86 and price of $60 are way above what this game is actually worth.

For the Zelda manga fans out there...

The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess Complete Box Set launched four days ago. Check out out on Amazon.

The box set contains all 11 volumes of the manga series The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess and a collectible, double-sided poster.

Veknoid_Outcast said:

I added a new poll. Who's planning to get the new Zelda game, and when?

I pre-ordered via Best Buy a while ago. Looks like it's arriving tomorrow. Along with this cute little acrylic stand:

I'm planning to get it but not day 1 - maybe a year later or so.

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New Zelda icon elements available for NSO subscribers!

These will rotate every Wednesday at 9pm ET until October 23. Wave 1 ends today.

I’m really enjoying the game, I’m nearing the end now I think, just finished all 3 temples and heading for the forest, the only “negative” thing I will say is that I’m finding the game a bit too easy for my taste but aside from that the game is really fun, I love the whole echoes mechanic and binding!

Just posted this in another thread didn’t see this one! Never even realised this site had a forum until just now! Also noticed how the site is not working very well on my phone, I can’t see comments on chart articles, the post quick reply button doesn’t work very well among other things…

So I’ve finished the game and I’d give it an 8.8/10 the game is fun and the core mechanic fun to use. There a few things I will say that are perhaps negative, the game is really easy, like a 4/10 on the difficulty scale if that, the villain is underwhelming and the ending of the game is unsatisfying and leaves you with unanswered questions…the gameplay and echoes are what shines in this game.

The game-play sounds kinda interesting but I'll give this one a miss. I never finished 3D dot game heroes as the dof 'miniature' effect hurts my brain. This looks to have the same dof effect. The art style isn't catching my eye either.

I'll buy it if my kid asks for it, he's full into PC nowadays though. Hasn't touched his Switch in months.

The game sounded great when it was announced yet the more I see of it the less it appeals to me.

Thanks, all, for sharing your feedback. I’m slowly making my way through the game and will share my thoughts as soon as possible!