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Forums - Sony Discussion - Did MS/Customer Reaction to PS3 Screw Up Sony's Schedule?

Noobie said:

I wander has the PS3 been released in Q4, then there would have been any fight left in the high-def. I think it was only cuz of the PS3 that the blu-ray manage to survive whole of the 2007 when the blu-ray standalone player sale was so lack luster and finally have come so close to the victory. Otherwise by Q4 of 2007 the high end disc game could have been well over for the blu-ray camp.

Just my .2 cents

I do think the Blu-ray was won with a huge help from the PS3, but without the PS3, it could have still been won. Sony owns a lot of the studios.

So who knows, but my guess is if the PS3 had been released later, it would have been in a marktet where the winner was still undecided.

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The billions of dollars they spent on the PS3 could have easily been spent on low cost blu-ray players and content which would have probably won the war faster and cheaper.

rocketpig said:

Now, the 40GB model... Am I the only one who was surprised at how quickly this thing popped out of nowhere? A new motherboard, new 65nm processor, no hardware BC whatsoever. Strange, IMO. A pretty quick turnaround for a major hardware redesign.

My theory is that Sony always planned to move to software emulation in an attempt to cut costs later in the PS3 lifecycle. I think the pressure from MS, poor sales, and outrage over the launch price forced their hand, making them release models long before software emulation was available, forcing them to cut BC entirely. Not the prettiest of situations but they may have felt that the lower price was worth the short term risk of a reduced feature set.

The fast turnaround doesn't surprise me -- Sony is a skilled cost reducer. I suspect the plan all along was to have a $499 model for launch 2006, $399 for holiday 2007, and a $299 unit for holiday 2008. The decision to axe onboard BC was probably due to customer response, though -- hardcore gamers like myself wanted BC and were willing to pay extra, but most folks don't really care (and the PS2 will soon be $99 anyway). The emulation will eventually be there, but it's much less urgent than ensuring that the hardware works, and that the audio-visual features are fully functional.

Also, Sony's first year sales were far from poor - they sold roughly as many units as the 360 did during the latter's first year, despite the lack of HDTVs and the PS3's much higher price.

With what group wants what option in their console, i would have thought it to be the other way around. The hardcore gamers have every console of a given company, for instance, probably all of the ps3 owners had a ps2 and still have one as of today. The casuals however would rather have a one-in-all console, that would play every game that had been released for the earlier console. At least that's how i see it.

Deep into the darkness pearing

Long i stood there




Why does everyone think that Sony is even attempting to work on software BC? When did they say that this was happening?

Hates Nomura.

Tagged: GooseGaws - <--- Has better taste in games than you.

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Noobie said:
HappySqurriel said:

There is no way to know, but I personally suspect ...

Sony really did not intend to release the PS3 in 2006 the (unexpected) release of the XBox 360 in 2005 forced Sony to accelerate their release schedule; I suspect that when the XBox 360 was first rumored to be released mid 2005 Sony became worried that 18 to 24 months on the market with no (direct) competition could give Microsoft the opportunity to eat away a big chunk of Sony's marketshare.

If it was released for Q4 of 2007, the PS3 would have been more powerful and less expensive due to the 65nm process, Blu-Ray diodes would be less expensive and more people would be looking for a Blu-Ray player, and HDTV adoption would be higher.


I wander has the PS3 been released in Q4, then there would have been any fight left in the high-def. I think it was only cuz of the PS3 that the blu-ray manage to survive whole of the 2007 when the blu-ray standalone player sale was so lack luster and finally have come so close to the victory. Otherwise by Q4 of 2007 the high end disc game could have been well over for the blu-ray camp.

Just my .2 cents

A cynical person could say that the talks between Toshiba and Sony to create a combined format could have been a tactic used to prevent Toshiba from releasing the HD-DVD format ...

On top of that, it is possible that Sony could have decided to choose a combined format and let early adopters of Blu-HD-DVD-Ray players cut the cost of manufacturing while it was still too expensive to put into a console ...

GooseGaws said:
Why does everyone think that Sony is even attempting to work on software BC? When did they say that this was happening?

 they are hiring for coding BC for the PS3 and a next gen console

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Do you have a link for this hiring announcement? When did it occur?

Hates Nomura.

Tagged: GooseGaws - <--- Has better taste in games than you.

FishyJoe said,
"The billions of dollars they spent on the PS3 could have easily been spent on low cost blu-ray players and content which would have probably won the war faster and cheaper.
==> this is BS
Without PS3, BR would be dead
even the low cost BR player would have sold WORSE than the PS3
Just look at the HD DVD low cost player sales versus PS3 sales

Time to Work !

I think the fact that MS had the 360 out in 2005 and the fact that Toshiba tossed HD-DVD on the market so fast was a major reason why the PS3 came out so early. If MS would of waited until the PS3 was out to drop the 360 then the xbox would be dead this gen.