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Forums - Gaming Discussion - HD movies available for download!

Once you download the movie, you've got 1 week to watch it, once you start watching it, you've got 24 hours to watch it as much as you want, like any other rental service (Apple TV)

The movie is ready to watch in about 30 seconds / 1 minute in SD with standard UK connections, sorry I can't be more specific as I'm at the office right now so I can't check my modem.

In HD takes a bit more.

The full download took me 10 minutes. Expect nearly an hour for HD, but you can start watching it as soon as you have 25% of it.

I really like the movie download service, my only complaint is that here in the UK there aren't a lot of movies.

The music is now downloaded by the majority of consumers, the movies will be in 1 /2 years

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I have tried it a few times and found it great. No more movie rentals for me... Even starting to reconsider my "buying" movies paradigm.

5 dollars to watch a movie once... no thanks.

^its cheaper then going to the movie theater?


mesoteto said:
^its cheaper then going to the movie theater?

Movie experience on 40" tv =/= movie experience on.... 40... foot? Or however massive they are nowadays :P

Plus I'm not exactly sure I'll be downloading box office showings ^^;

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Chrono - screen size isnt everything, your also forgetting there isnt as much light to block out as there tends to be glares on home tv's, and lets not forget how sound at the movies pull the audience in too.

And lets not forget how movies at the movie theater just came out. its like buying new technology when it first comes out. youre paying to be one of the first to see it. movies you download are old.

Sorry for the spam but i have one more point.

I can go to the movies for 1.50 at 3 movie theaters in my area. Ogden 6(15minute drive), Tivoli(15 minute drive), and Nova 8(15 minute drive). They show movies that all the other movie theaters dont show anymore. So the movies they show are about a month-2months old.

And the showplace 12(2minute drive) theater and Showplace 16(15minute drive) are only 5 dollars to get into.

Very true .... pooper.... They're two different experiences, but if it took him an hour to download one movie with an interenet connection of 18mbs per second... that leaves %95 (<- numbers out of my ass) of the known internet community shit out of luck lol. I will not wait 2+ hours for one movie to finish, let alone drag my bandwidth down a drain xD.

Are they 720 or 1080p btw? 

From 0 to KICKASS in .stupid seconds.

PooperScooper said:
5 dollars to watch a movie once... no thanks.

It's the same price as Blockbuster or an On-Demand service.

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