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Forums - Gaming Discussion - PS3 Not beiing solely bought as a games machine.

selnor said:

Another problem Sony have is that the porn industry is and will always be exclusive to HDdvd because Sony turned them down(same thing happened in betamax era). So HDdvd will never fade away because of the porn industry.

 I'm not 100% sure but I believe there are quite a few Porn studios releasing on Blu-ray. Check Engadget.

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Username2324 said:
selnor said:

Another problem Sony have is that the porn industry is and will always be exclusive to HDdvd because Sony turned them down(same thing happened in betamax era). So HDdvd will never fade away because of the porn industry.

 I'm not 100% sure but I believe there are quite a few Porn studios releasing on Blu-ray. Check Engadget.

Digital Playground to Support Blu-ray Disc Format
Posted January 12, 2006 by Marwin

The adult film maker Digital Playground, which claims to control 40 percent of the US adult DVD market and is reported to have sales of $12.6bn in 2005, today told Adult Video News (AVN) that they've decided to support the Blu-ray format and release BD movies as soon as hardware becomes available. "We feel that of the two formats, it's the one that's more future-proofed," said Digital Playground's president and founder, who identifies himself as Joone. "We'll probably start with Pirates and Island Fever 3, because those are top sellers and they're already available in high-def." Digital Playground has been preparing for the shift to HD for two and a half years now by shooting all of its films in HD and currently has a library of over 50 movies ready to be released in HD with five new movies added every month.


Digital Playground is releasing the biggest budgeted porn movie in blu-ray. Pirates.

I'm going to say it again because these are some very valid points and people need some insight into what Sony was doing when they packaged the PS3 as a blu-ray player. It seems like a stupid, foolish mistake on their part until you consider all the facts.

Yes, it's bad for their gaming division. But what if they don't really care about the direction of their gaming division? Sony packaged the PS3 as a blu-ray player because they wanted to ensure they'd win the format war. I don't care who you are, the home entertainment/movie-watching market is a thousand (at least) times larger than the gaming market. Winning in that market is so, so much more valuable than winning in the rather small gaming market (that IS expanding, yes, but not that much in the direction the PS3 went, so that direction is a moot point).

So, Sony having that high a percentage of PS3's sold for blu-ray films... isn't a problem at all! In fact, it's a very, very good situation. It means that their strategy is working - that they've gotten nearly 10 million blu-ray players into homes by making their gaming system one of those players, and that 3 million of those were provably bought TO be a player. This means they're doing magnificently in the format war, and the PS3 has most definitely been a success.

I tip my hat to Sony. It's a shame for them that the Playstation brand had to suffer like it has been, but it's been a very ballsy move that is paying off tremendously. Whoever's idea it was to package the PS3 as a blu-ray player, I'll bet they've been promoted and given a hefty raise. Very smart move.



So since the PS3 has 7 million less units sold doesn.t mean it should have a higher attach rate. So everyone who owns a ps3 has to like cod4? No just like the 360 doesn't sell games to everyone. Certain people like certain games when there are more hardware sales obviously you have a better chance of more people liking that type of game. Hence the more games sold for the 360 then PS3. My brother actually is employed with activision and attach rate is a big factor that they do look at when making games for systems. As the ps3's install base goes up sales will most likely as well.

PS3(60GB)/360(Elite)/Wii/SNES/Ultimate Gaming PC owner :)

doom102575 said:

So since the PS3 has 7 million less units sold doesn.t mean it should have a higher attach rate. So everyone who owns a ps3 has to like cod4? No just like the 360 doesn't sell games to everyone. Certain people like certain games when there are more hardware sales obviously you have a better chance of more people liking that type of game. Hence the more games sold for the 360 then PS3. My brother actually is employed with activision and attach rate is a big factor that they do look at when making games for systems. As the ps3's install base goes up sales will most likely as well.

Attach rate is important, but is only one variable in their mathematical model in predicting potential sales for a system; in general terms most potential sales calculations will be:

[Expected number of systems] X [Expected sales per system] = [Expected Sales]

Where the expected sales per system is impacted by the attach rate of similar games on the system ...


Beyond that, part of why you would expect a higher attach rate of particular games on a system like the PS3 is because there are fewer "quality" games on the PS3, the userbase should have more early adopters who tend to be more "dedicated" gamers, and the higher price tag implies that the owners of a system may be more willing to spend money on gaming. Basically, you would expect that someone who bought a $600 gaming system in its first 6 months on the market would be far more likely to buy a big multiplatform game (when there are no huge exclusive games), than a person who spent $350 on a console 18 months after it launch who has the option to buy 2 of the biggest games of the year (and several big games from previous years) that were released exclusively to that platform.

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I bought PS3 purely for gaming ONLY (since late September) but I only have one game so far. But there are FINALLY some games coming out. Plan to pick up Burn out paradise as a start. May be devil may cry 4 and dbz burst limit. i think attach rate is bad cuz not too many good games out yet, but things should change soon.

Currently loving my Wii x2, Xbox 360 Pro & Xbox 360 Arcade, and Final Fantasy 7 Advent Children Limited "Cloud Black" 160GB PS3







I agree somewhat with your post but I personally have bought the PS3 and own 13 games which some are big sellers and others aren't. I do not own COD4 as I have become rather bored with FPS games as I was stating just because I have the money to buy a system doesnt mean I will shell out money for games I dont enjoy playing anymore. I am sure there are many PS3 owners and 360 owners alike who just arent into this type of gaming. As more variety of games hit the PS3 you will see all different types of games doing well.

PS3(60GB)/360(Elite)/Wii/SNES/Ultimate Gaming PC owner :)

Cod4 is really just an example as some games no matter how many AAA games a system have will not appeal to everyone that is why you always take a risk with new IP's since you truly never know what one will do.

PS3(60GB)/360(Elite)/Wii/SNES/Ultimate Gaming PC owner :)

selnor said:
The games I quoted are pretty much the top games of 2007 on PS3. Well the only ones that would be acceptable for time away from my 360 or wii. I would include UT3 but me and my mate kept getting either lag or chucked off. (Dam you PSN) They are poor sales in terms of top software. COD4 still sold that well on 360 and I wouldnt even put it in top 5 of 2007 games on 360. My point 360 sells games well.

I want to compare xbox first year with sonys 1st i think sony did a little better. also sony always had the wii to compete with and xbox was all by itself. lets compare sonys 2008 with microsofts 2007 and see what the bogus ass "attach rate".

No deveopler in their right mind looks at that. they look at what sells. and yes game do sell on 360 but sony is quickly catching up(already did in Pal and japan). The playstation brand is all about games everyone knows that i didnt buy a playstation for blu-ray bt i love it none the less. remeber halo dropped this year... come back to me when final fantasy 13 drops and lets talk about "attach rates"

selnor said:

Good to see PS3 sales increase over christmas. I expect them to drop to last throughout the year again though.

However, Look at the game attachment sales on this site. Gaming wise for Sony this is serious trouble.

Call of Duty 4 has sold 4.3 mill on 360 and only 2.6 mill on PS3.

Uncharted has only sold a measily 1 mill.

Ratchet and Clank 750,000

The orange box is also dire on PS3.

My point is I take an educated guess that 30% of PS3's are sold purely for the Bluray films. It's the cheapest way to view Bluray. And these people arent interested in the games side.

This poses a big problem for Sony. Developers will be reluctant to bring everything to the console. And with these attachment rates so far behind 360, Microsofts machine remains firm favourite for devs first choice. And for that matter It's definately the gamers system. It's a shame because the PS2 was so good. Hell I still play mine now. Another problem Sony have is that the porn industry is and will always be exclusive to HDdvd because Sony turned them down(same thing happened in betamax era). So HDdvd will never fade away because of the porn industry.

Where Sony go from here I dont know?

total 360's sold divided by total ps3's sold = 1.764929 times as many 360's

total ps3 sowtware sold this week = 631,172

total 360 software sold this week = 1,027,542

1.764929 times 631,172 = 1113973.907

If they had an identical install base the ps3 would have sold 86431.907 more games

the numbers have been this way for awhile now


also in regards to your other comment

We missed this story while we were wandering around the halls of AVN, checking out streaming porn boxes, but apparently Digital Playground is dropping HD DVD in favor of Blu-ray in 2008. Joone, the founder of the video label, says they're dropping it not just because Warner and other companies switched, but because their Blu-ray titles actually outsold HD DVDs already. What can we take from this? One, Digital Playground and other studios will probably stop selling HD DVD porn by the end of 2008. Two, PlayStation 3 owners really like porn in their living rooms.