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Forums - Gaming Discussion - PS3 Not beiing solely bought as a games machine.

Good to see PS3 sales increase over christmas. I expect them to drop to last throughout the year again though.

However, Look at the game attachment sales on this site. Gaming wise for Sony this is serious trouble.

Call of Duty 4 has sold 4.3 mill on 360 and only 2.6 mill on PS3.

Uncharted has only sold a measily 1 mill.

Ratchet and Clank 750,000

The orange box is also dire on PS3.

My point is I take an educated guess that 30% of PS3's are sold purely for the Bluray films. It's the cheapest way to view Bluray. And these people arent interested in the games side.

This poses a big problem for Sony. Developers will be reluctant to bring everything to the console. And with these attachment rates so far behind 360, Microsofts machine remains firm favourite for devs first choice. And for that matter It's definately the gamers system. It's a shame because the PS2 was so good. Hell I still play mine now. Another problem Sony have is that the porn industry is and will always be exclusive to HDdvd because Sony turned them down(same thing happened in betamax era). So HDdvd will never fade away because of the porn industry.

Where Sony go from here I dont know?

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selnor said:

My point is I take an educated guess that 30% of PS3's are sold purely for the Bluray films. It's the cheapest way to view Bluray. And these people arent interested in the games side.

This poses a big problem for Sony.

Definitely not in Europe. Here in Europe people buy PS3 for games. Also it isn't a problem for Sony. Not at all. Actually they fight on two fronts with one device. PS3 wouldn't be where it is without BR and BR definitely wouldn't be leading format today without PS3.

So where does your educated guess come from.

My educated guess on where your educated guess came from: your ass.

Developers will be looking at the number of games they're likely to sell, but Sony must be pleased to be getting PS3 into people's homes, even if it is as a blu-ray player. Most of them will be likely to pick up a few games that gt hyped enough anyway.

how about adding these to your list: -

Motorstorm = 2.63 million

Resistance: Fall of Man = 2.27 million

Assassins Creed = 1.99 million

Need for Speed: ProStreet = 0.93 million

Heavenly Sword = 0.76 million

Madden NFL 08 = 0.71 million

Around the Network
selnor said:

Good to see PS3 sales increase over christmas. I expect them to drop to last throughout the year again though.

However, Look at the game attachment sales on this site. Gaming wise for Sony this is serious trouble.

Call of Duty 4 has sold 4.3 mill on 360 and only 2.6 mill on PS3.


 Ok sir, you phail at maths. CoD4 on PS3 has a 27.6% attachment rate. CoD4 on 360 has a 25.8% attachment rate.

I Stopped reading when he said that any game selling a millon is measly.

DMeisterJ said:
So where does your educated guess come from.

My educated guess on where your educated guess came from: your ass.

It comes from game sales fanboy.

They are very poor on PS3. Even on previous consoles. The facts are on this website.

DMeisterJ said:
So where does your educated guess come from.

My educated guess on where your educated guess came from: your ass.

It comes from game sales fanboy.

They are very poor on PS3. Even on previous consoles. The facts are on this website.

Nintendo and Sony both looked to expand their market. Nintendo with Wii Sports and accessible controls for new gamers and Sony through Blu-ray and multi-media.
Problem is this:
If people buy a Wii for Wii Sports or Wii Fit, it's a game, and they'll eventually tire of the game and look to buy another game for it (like Mario & Sonic or DDR and then move on to other more complex games from there).

If people buy a PS3 as a cheap blu-ray player, what is there motivation to buy a game like CoD4? It's not accessible to noobs, nor are most other PS3 games. So they'll continue to use it as a blu-ray player, and maybe to download stuff.

To compound this: Nintendo makes a profit irregardless of a single game sold or not. Game sells are just gravy to Nintendo.

Sony is totally reliant on a large attach rate to off-set initial losses on console sales. If even a small % (say 10%) of PS3's are just blu-ray players, that will substancially affect Sony's bottomline. Now obviously they are making some kind of profit off Blu-ray, but that's going to another division, and their games division is going to look like a losing cause to investors for a long time now.

Not suggesting this is the death of PS3 or anything, they can still become profittable, eventually, if it is a 10 year system. And I'd like to see Sony succeed. But it is an interesting dilemma Sony has put themselves in.