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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Who has a HD Console but no HDTV?

XGamer0611 said:

I thought this was a good question. I apologize in advance if this has been covered before.

How many people (yourself or someone you know) own HD Consoles (PS3 or XB360), but don't have and HDTV?

I got my HDTV before even thinking of purchasing a console.

Just wanted to see what the general consensus is.

My friends cousin has an XB360 with no HDTV he uses composite connectors through a VCR to play.

Am cry.

Hates Nomura.

Tagged: GooseGaws - <--- Has better taste in games than you.

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I have an HDTV but no HD console.

Nintendo still doomed?
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Ps3 and a standard TV. I dont want to blow my money and regret it. I just dont believe an HDTV is so much better from a SDTV. Although I never played on an HD set.


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XGamer0611 said:
HD Specs:

Your TV is an HDTV set if:

Your resolution is more then 480 lines

Your Set is Widescreen

Standard HD Resolutions:

720p = 1366x768

1080i = 1366x768 (interlaced, meaning picture is upscaled)

1080p = 1920x1200

I believe that 1080i is 1920x1080 interlaced, meaning odd then even lines and 1080p is 1920x1080 progressive, meaning odd and even lines at the same time. Also 720p is 1280x720 not 1366x768.

My TV is rear pro and accepts 1080i signals, but only @ 50hz, so my 360 only runs at 480p.

Mistershine said:
XGamer0611 said:
HD Specs:

Your TV is an HDTV set if:

Your resolution is more then 480 lines

Your Set is Widescreen

Standard HD Resolutions:

720p = 1366x768

1080i = 1366x768 (interlaced, meaning picture is upscaled)

1080p = 1920x1200

I believe that 1080i is 1920x1080 interlaced, meaning odd then even lines and 1080p is 1920x1080 progressive, meaning odd and even lines at the same time. Also 720p is 1280x720 not 1366x768.

My TV is rear pro and accepts 1080i signals, but only @ 50hz, so my 360 only runs at 480p.

What you said is a half truth. Yes, 720p is 1280x720, however, if you look at most of the 720p TV's on sale now they boast the resolutions of 1366x768. And yes I was incorrect about 1080p it is 1920x1080 not 1920x1200.

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XGamer0611 said:

Your resolution is more then 480 lines

 Although most of your post has already been adressed, this hasn't. I'm not sure where HD actually starts (720 lines probably), but I can guarentee you it isn't just over 480 lines. PAL runs at 576 lines and it definitely isn't high definition.

I have a HD tv but no HD console. =P

Only a Wii for the moment, but I'm planning on getting an HD console. Have yet to decide which it will be, though.

davygee said:
This is certainly an eye opener! I can't believe that people can own 360's and PS3's and use them through a SDTV.

The games through the SDTV must look like the scaled up pixelated videos on Youtube when you are playing games.

You really need to upgrade to HDTV. It doesn't need to cost the earth. You can pick up 20"-32" LCD's pretty cheap these days. You really don't know what you are missing until you see it.

I currently play my PS3 through my 40" 1080p Sony Bravia.

I am collecting funds for my Samsung 40" LCD with AutoMotion Plus. Can I count on you to be my first contributor? Mucho gracias! 

kasillas88 said:
Ps3 and a standard TV. I dont want to blow my money and regret it. I just dont believe an HDTV is so much better from a SDTV. Although I never played on an HD set.

Have you noticed you can read finer print words on PC than on TV, thus more words on the screen at once. That's because PC have been running on much higher resolution than TV for years now. ( the greater the resolution plus AA the less jagged edges you notice in games) Also with HD you can use a HDMI cable (digital) which in itself greatly improves the picture image. HDTV is basicly a PC monitor or in other words HDTV is getting closer to the resolution of 35mm film.

If you want to compare HD to SD just lower your PC resolution to 640 by 480 and see if you can tell the difference.

kitler53 said:
davygee said:
This is certainly an eye opener! I can't believe that people can own 360's and PS3's and use them through a SDTV.

The games through the SDTV must look like the scaled up pixelated videos on Youtube when you are playing games.

You really need to upgrade to HDTV. It doesn't need to cost the earth. You can pick up 20"-32" LCD's pretty cheap these days. You really don't know what you are missing until you see it.

I currently play my PS3 through my 40" 1080p Sony Bravia.

 360 and wii on a standard definition tv.

...and a 20-32" HDTV is pointless.  at a normal viewing distance your eyes can't physically make out the higher resolutions.  To get the "full" benifit I would have to buy a tv at least 40" and that cost a lot of money.  A lot of money I don't need to spend cause A) my standard tv is working quite well and i'm not throwing it away for no reason and B) i've seen side by side comparisons and the improvement is marginal at a best.  HDTV is better but not worth the current cost of entry for me. 

 Not to try and convince you to buy an HDTV (I agree that for the most of it, it isn't worth it yet), but I'm unaware of any 32" screens which do genuine 1080p (which aren't computer monitors). Given that most PS3/360 games only render at 720p, a 32" screen would be suitable for current gen gaming. You've said that you'd have to buy a minimum 40" to get full benifit, which i'm assuming you are referring to 1080p, so given that, and the fact most games are 720p, from the charts you've linked to, you would definitely see a benifit.