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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - It Appear that JL was right after all...

It looks like Nintendo shipped 20.05 or so before the end of Dec....

Wii was a worldwide sellout at that time... Wii might have been right at 20 mil... crazy....

psn- tokila

add me, the more the merrier.

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Crazy old Jonh if I ever make a game, movie or a book I will make a character that will bear his name and predict a future no one can.

Think twice before helping a friend in need.

Umm... no he was wrong, it just hit 20 mil this week. But we've already been over this.

Umm... no the Nintendo just announce they shipped over 20 million by dec 31, ioi already stated he was READJUSTING Wii number above what NDP had... read the article and comments DMeister

psn- tokila

add me, the more the merrier.

VG Chartz numbers are not 100% accurate, and even 1% of 20M is 200k. I honestly don't think we'll ever know for sure if the Wii reached 20M during 2007, but it doesn't matter much really. It's a nice round number, but even without it the Wii is head and shoulders above the competition.

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This is the first time I've ever heard people proclaiming that VGChartz numbers are not accurate. But I guess when the prediction on one's favorite console is at stake, no one cares what sense (or lack thereof) they make.

Is that a stab at me? I'm not saying they're not accurate (which would mean that they're way, way off), but that they're not 100% accurate. Ioi just adjusted the numbers by more than 1% the other day based on NPD, and now he's contemplating on adjusting them back based on Nintendo's own numbers.

My point is that the error margin of the numbers on the front page is bigger than the amount of consoles the Wii is away from 20 million. This is my response to both people who say the Wii reached 20M during 2007, and those who say it didn't.


He said not 100% accurate, hell even NPD's numbers are not 100% accurate!!

actually we are proclaiming that VGC numbers are accurate and all of the Sony Fanboys crying foul when NDP undertracked the Wii(and ioi adjusted)

it turns out VGC is MORE accurated than NDP : )
at least for last Dec.

psn- tokila

add me, the more the merrier.

Well, I have always felt that the Wii has been undertracked because it sells at Wal-Mart and Toys R Us -- especially at Wal-Mart. Neither of them is in the NPD data for US/CAN.

So maybe the NPD data is the real problem.

Just a thought. 8*>

Mike from Morgantown

It is better to be approximately right than precisely wrong. VGChartz is generally approximately right. Too often I fear, the official NPD data is exactly wrong.


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