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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 52 - Vanilla Ice Cream

RolStoppable said:
Stefl1504 said:

The simple fact that there had to be a strongman targeting nacho... you said it with such decisiveness as if you targeted him. It could be very well the other way arround, but you went there and said: Nacho has been strongmanned. You did not consider for one second that it could be the other way arround, you did not consider other options.

Also if we will start to argue about that night 1 had only 1 kill and night 2 3, and today again 1, it is more likely that scum have two one shot extra kills than actually there being an SK/overeager vig (from a completely neutral view, not counting in that Trucks already revealed himself as killing role)

Oh, now I get it. You thought I had to be the doctor.

I've never been in a game where the mafia had an extra kill to use, unless it was a strongman. So my logical conclusion was that the mafia used their strongman and their regular kill on Night 2. The strongman went to nacho, because he was the biggest threat to them (a rolecop can be assumed to rule out a cop, so what else would they use their strongman for). The regular kill hit ABC, because a double-voter is an obstacle in the mafia's goal to control the majority of votes. That left DT, a suspicious town player, so him being killed by a vigilante was more likely than an SK (also because Night 1 only had one kill).

Indeed that is what I thought, that was why I apologised in advance and that I made a stupid action tonight... but in the end... maybe I was only stupid today... mesmerized by one of the posts you made... like i said, I need to make some sense out of myself...

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Actually, no my night 3 action must have been plain stupidy on my end and trucks the scum team had double up on mario...

You see, yesterday, when spurge flipped I started doubting your alignment (and you being a doc...), so I decided to block you. Then today, I failed to realise that is actually more likely for you to have been chosen as the killer when there is no second kill... but then again this leads us to hatmoza leaving the game...

So yah, i am the roleblocker... a stupid one at that...

I am really mad that I didn't block Trucks instead again... it was a gamble of him hitting scum and buying us a much needed advantage... or ending the game...

Night 2 I blocked DT...

RolStoppable said:
Stefl1504 said:
Actually, no my night 3 action must have been plain stupidy on my end and trucks the scum team had double up on mario...

You see, yesterday, when spurge flipped I started doubting your alignment (and you being a doc...), so I decided to block you. Then today, I failed to realise that is actually more likely for you to have been chosen as the killer when there is no second kill... but then again this leads us to hatmoza leaving the game...

So yah, i am the roleblocker... a stupid one at that...

I am really mad that I didn't block Trucks instead again... it was a gamble of him hitting scum and buying us a much needed advantage... or ending the game...

Night 2 I blocked DT...

That puts an end to my jailkeeper theory which admittedly wasn't waterproof to begin with.

Any idea what the role Father Time does? That's a question for everyone.

I remember a game where there was a fast forwarder, which allowed scum to double the up the night actions (I do not remember if this was true for town too, but since it was used as a scumrole, I assume it scum only)... it was the Final Fantasy Round if I remember correctly... so maybe a similar role? This is sole speculation but could explain the extra kill.

Stefl1504 said:
Actually, no my night 3 action must have been plain stupidy on my end and trucks the scum team had double up on mario...

You see, yesterday, when spurge flipped I started doubting your alignment (and you being a doc...), so I decided to block you. Then today, I failed to realise that is actually more likely for you to have been chosen as the killer when there is no second kill... but then again this leads us to hatmoza leaving the game...

So yah, i am the roleblocker... a stupid one at that...

I am really mad that I didn't block Trucks instead again... it was a gamble of him hitting scum and buying us a much needed advantage... or ending the game...

Night 2 I blocked DT...

So Rol is scum.

I thought I was just being paranoid but what you just said makes it highly likely that he's scum.  Despite my bad aim thus far, I believe I would still be a much more attractive kill target than supermario128 for a scum team. It also makes sense that Rol would be the one to carry out the kill since nobody was openly suspicious of him.

I won't vote just yet because we might be in a situation where the scum team can quick hammer but I think we've got our lynch for today.

Signature goes here!

RolStoppable said:
TruckOSaurus said:

So Rol is scum.

I thought I was just being paranoid but what you just said makes it highly likely that he's scum.  Despite my bad aim thus far, I believe I would still be a much more attractive kill target than supermario128 for a scum team. It also makes sense that Rol would be the one to carry out the kill since nobody was openly suspicious of him.

I won't vote just yet because we might be in a situation where the scum team can quick hammer but I think we've got our lynch for today.

Why do you rule out a doctor? And before we move on to voting, wouldn't it be a good idea to finish the mass roleclaim?

I know the only kind of proof I have for my vanilla town claim is the fact that I am the replacement for hatmoza. I wasn't scanned by the rolecop. So I can just repeat the above questions, if I can't rely on your trust anymore. How can you be sure that town doesn't have a doctor when four people still have to claim their roles? You are right that you were the most attractive kill target for the mafia due to your role, but in the same way you were also the best target for the town doctor.

I never was big on the hatmoza defense since hatmoza never did sign up himself. He made a joke about joining once I added Final-Fan to the list and then Final-Fan added hatmoza saying something like "I wanna add someone to the list too" so it's possible that he never intensed to join and didn't even look at his PM.

About the doctor, I don't think the doctor would protect me since I'm a double-edged sword. Not to mention, he could think I'm a Serial Killer like Stefl does (which I'm not btw but that discussion is for another day).

Like I said before, I'm not voting yet because one misplaced townie vote could end the game but let's just say you're at the top of the list right now.

Signature goes here!

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Yoshiya, theprof00, Baalzamon, tabaha we need your input and your roleclaims too.

Signature goes here!

Having a doc doesn't explain the lack of an extra kill Night 1 since I poisoned DT that Night.

Yup, that's right, I'm the doc with a one-shot poison (the latter part of my power being the reason that I was considered scum by Nacho).

I targeted DT Night 1 because I felt that it was best to use my poison ability whilst town was still in a position to lose members as well as the fact that I didn't really have any town leads and thus didn't want the to have the 1/15 chance odds in blocking the Night kill.

Night 2 I targeted Trucks due to how my number one scumspect DT had been pushing him so hard during that Day and last Night I targeted Rol due to the fact that he was basically confirmed town and I reckoned that mafia would want rid of him sooner or later.

Also, this should explain why me and Nacho were unwilling to claim my role seeing as doing so would effectively lose town their doc. I'm only claiming now because it looks like we might be on to something and right now we need all the leads we can get. (That and I'm sure not claiming would just end up making myself look worse).

What's the title of your role Yoshiya?

Signature goes here!

Something doesn't fit in Yoshiya's story. If he poisoned DarkThanatos on Night One, he should have died at the end of Day Two which he did not.

Also, I was notified of being blocked, so we can safely assume that DarkThanatos would have been notified of his poisoning but he said nothing of it.

All of this amounts to only one thing: Yoshiya is bullshiting us.

Signature goes here!

My role title is exactly as I gave it.

Also, Linkz explained in my role description that the person would have the Night which I poisoned them and the Night they were supposed to die on to be visited by "a role" (I inquired about this but he refused to say what the role was because he didn't want to confirm which roles were in the game, I assume he means poison Doctor however as he said that I didn't have the power to cure) and that would cure them.

He also stated the poison would be silent and no one would be informed if poisoned.

I assumed this was because it effectively gave me a chance to go back on my decision the next Day and inform town who I had poisoned. This would give the poison curer a chance to cure the person I had poisoned during the Night.

I assume the reason it's a silent poisoning is due to that fact that poison is normally a mafia skill to have and as such, if I did hit mafia, they could use this to their advantage during the next Day to say they had been poisoned by the mafia, effectively making that part of my role something which made anyone who I affected confirmed town, defeating the point of me trying to find mafia to kill with it.