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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 52 - Vanilla Ice Cream


I didn't know I still had a vote out. I'll have some time to go through the game a bit more tonight, but unless I catch something funky, odds are it is going right back on Yoshiya.

Money can't buy happiness. Just video games, which make me happy.

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Baalzamon said:

I didn't know I still had a vote out. I'll have some time to go through the game a bit more tonight, but unless I catch something funky, odds are it is going right back on Yoshiya.

Just be back before 10PM. Do you have time to share some quick thoughts with us?

Signature goes here!

TruckOSaurus said:
Unofficial votals:

Yoshi[L-5]: Nacho, DT, Stefl, Baalz, Rol, mario, (DT), (Nacho), (Stefl), (Rol), (Mario), prof, mario
TOS[L-7]: mario, (mario), DT, Marcus, mario, (mario), (Marcus), spurge, (spurge)
DT[L-6]: Yoshi, spurge
FF[L-7]: Stefl
tabaha: Stefl, (Stefl)
spurgeonryan[L-5]: RolStoppable, TruckOSaurus, Marcus
Nacho[L-7]: ABC

Easy to read version (with just the current votes):

Yoshi[L-5]: Baalz, prof, mario
TOS[L-7]: DT
DT[L-6]: Yoshi, spurge
FF[L-7]: Stefl
spurgeonryan[L-5]: RolStoppable, TruckOSaurus, Marcus
Nacho[L-7]: ABC

My Vote was on MDJ in the meantime... and I also remember unvoting last, but maybe I wanted and forgot to... O_o


I will not place my vote on anyone, because I do not know if I will be back before the deadline.

Currently my vote would depend on Yoshi/Nacho reactions... if what "they" claim fits somehow... I would go for Spurge...

Haven't been able to really look at things, but sure.

I feel Yoshiya acted rather strangely to the Nacho situation, and it just happened to work out for him.

Beyond that, it irks me in the wrong way that Nacho has now just gone off to lala land.

I'm annoyed that Prof isn't participating, as that is nothing like him (People say he is just trying to prove some point? C'mon, don't play if that is all you are going to do).

Rol is all but confirmed town vanilla with Hatmoza just leaving like that (loser).

I got class in 3 minutes though, and my thoughts on the others can come after I write some notes tonight (I work until 5)

Money can't buy happiness. Just video games, which make me happy.

spurgeonryan said:
So I missed it. Why is Rol confirmed town? Who blue iconed me?

The assumption is that hatmoza took a look at his role and since he couldn't kill he decided not to play which would mean Rol inherited a non-killing role and is most probably town. Even ignoring that fact, I personally think Rol is town based on his contribution to the game.

Signature goes here!

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TruckOSaurus said:


DarkThanatos: He's been working all Day Two to twist everything I say trying to make me look bad. He's either got a very bad case of tunneling or he's scum pushing for a mislynch.


yea i've noticed that. hmmmmm. i'm watching u DT.

I have to go now and I won't be back before the deadline. I didn't get as much information as I'd hope this morning... so I'm gonna vote for the scummiest of them all.

Vote: DarkThanatos

Signature goes here!


Vote: Nacho

Town has had many other games where they only had a tracker/ watcher combo. I think this is also one of them. Getting town to trust him as a role cop off the bad would be the only way for a mafia role cop to be able to claim. He probably realized we don't have a cop and took the chance. Plus, I really want him to get back here and say something.

Trucks should be next. :P

Nintendo still doomed?
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Stefl1504 said:

Nacho, I one thing was weird yesterday... why did you only mention who you think is town, and not who you think is scum?

DT... your reaction to ToSs roleblock claim seems... weird... scummy... eh doesn't matter for now.

I want to hear from other players first...

It has to do with how I play cop roles, would rather not give insight into this since no one playing really knows my meta off-site.

Stefl1504 said:
Oh, btw, I don't deem it necessary for you to have claimed Nacho... you could've just unvoted and said something like... "Just wanted to get his reaction" or something...

I could have played it off as fakeclaiming a guilty, but I didn't want there to be any question that I should draw protection tonight. Worst case scenario, scum kill me during the night and then get Yoshiya mislynched on the basis of me being a flipped cop with a claimed guilty on him.

A Bad Clown said:

Back on, after reading a couple pages I'm confused whether or not Nacho is a regular cop or a role cop. I wouldn't doubt a miller in this game, but I'm more interested in why Nacho chose Yoshiya and not a suspected player like DT.

Role cop. I chose Yoshiya because Yoshiya had more of a chance of being scum than DT did. DT is a strong townread of mine.

A Bad Clown said:

In regards to Nacho being role cop, I'd like him to tell us what the role he got off Yoshiya was. I think the roles are pretty standard for being a vanilla game so I'm not expecting something like a bulletproof roleblocker to be town. I'd be quite willing to vote yoshiya once nacho tells us what it was.

Yoshiya isn't scum. Scum doesn't need to know his role; I outed so he could be confirmed town and didn't have to fullclaim.

Baalzamon said:
I'm intrigued to know how you have opinions on two people based on one night.

Regardless of that, I'm quite surprised that everybody backed off on Yoshiya so much. You have Nacho saying Yoshiya is scum, followed by Yoshiya attempting to get Nacho to claim and indicating his role does sound kind of scummy. Nacho claimed, indicating Yoshiya does indeed have a scummy role.

Did anybody ever think that just perhaps Yoshiya has a scummy role because he is scum? After all, it seems rather dirty to put a role that would convince Nacho that much, only to then be confirmed as a townie role.

Nacho, what was Yoshiya's role?

I'm not claiming Yoshiya's role. 

Final-Fan said:
@ Yoshiya: Considering that you've already been rolecopped, and considering there is a claimed rolecop to draw fire from scum (unless he is himself scum), are you sure that continuing to hide your identity from town is necessary? We're burning with curiosity here, and "sketchy-sounding role" ... well, sounds sketchy. 

I guess Nacho could also answer this question.

Yoshiya is 100% town and there is no reason for him to claim now. 

A Bad Clown said:

What confuses me primarily is that Nacho posted


And later he goes on to say

I'm confused as to why he didn't say something like "Yoshiya is Ninja Roleblocker" and just chose to say "guilty"


A possible slip?


I did not want him to know that I was rolecop. And I am going to skim quickly because if you all made yoshiya claim I will be angry.

yeah, still rereading
Vote: Spurge
I'm fairly confident this is spurge's scum play, though. All of the other games I've played with him he's been my strongest townread, but here... not so much.