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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Donkey Kong Country 4!

Vertigo-X said:
You know... I was kinda expecting this thread to have information on DKC4... Instead, I leave disappointed. :(
 Yeah, kinda misleading. 


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In addition to DKC4 for WiiWare (made by Retro--they ROCK at reinvigorating old franchises), I would really like another game in the same vein as DK64 (3D, I mean).

Could I trouble you for some maple syrup to go with the plate of roffles you just served up?

Tag, courtesy of fkusumot: "Why do most of the PS3 fanboys have avatars that looks totally pissed?"
"Ok, girl's trapped in the elevator, and the power's off.  I swear, if a zombie comes around the next corner..."

No one wants this kiddy shit, no online or anything.

elgefe02 said:
The series needs to be refreshed... I have a great idea, lets send all monkeys to space, and them let them travel from planet to planet using stars, they need to cllect bananas to fuel a rocket and save the princess... hold on I think somebody already made ir.....

',width:'600',height:'600'" width="600" height="600" align="" />

Could I trouble you for some maple syrup to go with the plate of roffles you just served up?

Tag, courtesy of fkusumot: "Why do most of the PS3 fanboys have avatars that looks totally pissed?"
"Ok, girl's trapped in the elevator, and the power's off.  I swear, if a zombie comes around the next corner..."
Rugger08 said:
You are probably correct about it being a good idea to make a new Donkey Kong game similar to the old games, but the whole wiiware thing would be of no help. The cost of distributing a game is nothing compared with the development costs. It would be better to get the game in the stores and publicized.

 Well actually the development costs of a WiiWare title are substantialy lower then a full blown Wii game. A WiiWare title can't be too large due to the constraint of the hardware. To be honest Nintendo has had alot of bad luck and done a bad job marketing its Donkey Kong games.

WiiWare gives Nintendo alot of abilities they never had before. First they can test run Donkey Kong games for very little over head. I mean that new Pokemon game coming out on WiiWare how large do you think the dev team is?  I'm guessing about 10 maybe 20 max with probubly a budget of a couple hundred thousand. They can then sell that game online for as many points as they want can't remember how much they are supposed to cost.

Nintendo can also market games better on VC through WiiWare. You open the VirtualConsole and it shows four suggested titles. Nintendo now gets to do what stores do, make you pass by the product when you go in to shop.

 Example RealCanadianSuperstore puts the products they want to get rid of at the front of the store. This way customers pass by the product every time they enter the store. Many customers end up buying the product on impulse.


So the upside to DKC4 being WiiWare

#1.It will have a development cost about as cheap as a DS game

#2.No distribution or manufacturing costs 

#3. A smaller development team (often a plus)

#4.A very large user base (Every Wii owner) no lack of stock ...etc...etc..

#5.Impulsive buyers

#6.Little to know marketing required, it sells itself

#7. Great way to test the installed user base


So essentially Nintendo can test the waters with Donkey Kong Country 4 with little actually consequences to its failure. If it launched on DS that would be nice but it wouldn't be nearly as effective as a console launch, console games sell more copies then handheld games!




"In God We Trust - In Games We Play " - Joel Reimer


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Better way to go: DKC spin-off on WiiWare (taking place BEFORE DKC4). DKC4 later release on DS.


DKC4 would be awesome. I dont think it will happen though. i think dk will make his wii debut next year.



I loved the SNES games, they were awsome. I still enjoy playing them now.

Probably won't be the same without rare though.


Edit. 100th Post! Its about time!


Jungle beat was outstanding.

Other than being too short, and the rather boring boss battles, it was the most fun game I'd played last generation.

I love the SNES games and would love a DKC4 on Wiiware, that´s a great ideia.

100% Coritiba Foot Ball Club!