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Forums - General Discussion - Scientology's going down, Anonymous will take care of it.

Scientology scares me more than Islamic fundamentalists because the fundamentalists don't want my money.

"I mean, c'mon, Viva Pinata, a game with massive marketing, didn't sell worth a damn to the "sophisticated" 360 audience, despite near-universal praise--is that a sign that 360 owners are a bunch of casual ignoramuses that can't get their heads around a 'gardening' sim? Of course not. So let's please stop trying to micro-analyze one game out of hundreds and using it as the poster child for why good, non-1st party, games can't sell on Wii. (Everyone frequenting this site knows this is nonsense, and yet some of you just can't let it go because it's the only scab you have left to pick at after all your other "Wii will phail1!!1" straw men arguments have been put to the torch.)" - exindguy on Boom Blocks

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It's quite frightening that a hacker is powerful enough to ruin people's lives. That guy whose myspace account got corrupted must have went through a really hard time explaining to his girlfriend that the gay porn wasn't his.

Anyway, not liking a religion isn't a valid reason to take it down. I don't like many religions,  and a lot of them are corrupt, but it's still no reason to take them down. Some people go through harsh times, and religion for some is the only way to escape the harsh realities--which may be the case with some people in Scientology.

If people are being suckered into paying for a passage to God or some alien being, that's their problem.  Our only obligation is to make sure our kids are educated enough to not get suckered in.

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Wait what? a group of racist and pedos are gonna take down the Scientologist. lol


misteromar mk4 said:
Wait what? a group of racist and pedos are gonna take down the Scientologist. lol

 Scientology or Anonymous will go down...doesn't really matter is both good in my opinion..

FOOD said:

It's quite frightening that a hacker is powerful enough to ruin people's lives. That guy whose myspace account got corrupted must have went through a really hard time explaining to his girlfriend that the gay porn wasn't his.

Anyway, not liking a religion isn't a valid reason to take it down. I don't like many religions, and a lot of them are corrupt, but it's still no reason to take them down. Some people go through harsh times, and religion for some is the only way to escape the harsh realities--which may be the case with some people in Scientology.

If people are being suckered into paying for a passage to God or some alien being, that's their problem. Our only obligation is to make sure our kids are educated enough to not get suckered in.


 Its not really a hacker, but of huge super board of people that just happen to have hackers among them.  Anyway, while it is true the dude got gay porn plasted into his myspace, the reason this happened was because he himself asked anon to break into his girlfriends myspace account to get back at her for some stupid reason.  So they did, but they also messed with his myspace as well for the lulz of course.  take everything you ever see on fox news with a grain of salt.

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rocketpig said:
dtewi said:
Okay here is the story.

Some galacting king named Xenu ruled the Galactic Federation. One day the galaxy became overcrowded so he froze aliens, stocked them on jets, sent them to earth, and melted them in volcanoes. The alien's spirits came up but Xenu used soul catchers and forced them to watch a movie about earth's "fake" history, and sent them off to find human hosts.

I never get tired of that story. It's just so crazy that it never fails to amuse me, doubly so because people actually buy into it.

It really is crazy.  Kind of like men living for 700 years, torrential rainstorms lasting for 40 days and flooding the Earth, with one pair of each species saved on an ark.  Or the waters of the red sea opening up to allow slaves to cross to obtain their freedom, and then the waters closing in on their pursuers.  Or a man who was crucified, killed, and buried, to awaken 3 days later, who btw walks on water, turns water into wine, and makes infinite bread rolls.

I like the 72 virgins thing, too.

Anyway, there is evidence that Scientology IS out to harm people, and I think this is the reason why people are so hateful of Scientologists.  If they want to believe in Xenu and that the Universe is just a big mummorpuger, that's fine with me, but completely ruining people's lives isn't.