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Forums - General Discussion - Scientology's going down, Anonymous will take care of it.

rocketpig said:
It's sad how some of you think it's okay to ban a religion, no matter how wacky it may be. It's not as if Scientologists are out to harm people.

If anything, I welcome crackpot religions. It makes it easier to weed out the morons with labels like "Scientologist". When someone tells you they're a Scientologist, it's a huge red flag that immediately instructs you to cease communication with said person and quickly walk in the other direction.

 There's a big difference between a crackpot religion an a cult. A crackpot religion is just not mainstream. Nothing wrong with that. A cult uses coercive persuation and other techniques to make people join, and then exploit their members. Preying on the weak and taking them for all they are worth is not something that should be rewarded with tax credits and special legal status.

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hibikir said:
rocketpig said:
It's sad how some of you think it's okay to ban a religion, no matter how wacky it may be. It's not as if Scientologists are out to harm people.

If anything, I welcome crackpot religions. It makes it easier to weed out the morons with labels like "Scientologist". When someone tells you they're a Scientologist, it's a huge red flag that immediately instructs you to cease communication with said person and quickly walk in the other direction.

There's a big difference between a crackpot religion an a cult. A crackpot religion is just not mainstream. Nothing wrong with that. A cult uses coercive persuation and other techniques to make people join, and then exploit their members. Preying on the weak and taking them for all they are worth is not something that should be rewarded with tax credits and special legal status.

I agree in theory. But who gets the final decision as to what is a "cult" vs. a "religion"?

That's an awfully slippery slope. 

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rocketpig said:
dtewi said:
Okay here is the story.

Some galacting king named Xenu ruled the Galactic Federation. One day the galaxy became overcrowded so he froze aliens, stocked them on jets, sent them to earth, and melted them in volcanoes. The alien's spirits came up but Xenu used soul catchers and forced them to watch a movie about earth's "fake" history, and sent them off to find human hosts.

I never get tired of that story. It's just so crazy that it never fails to amuse me, doubly so because people actually buy into it.

Yeah and that si both literally and figuratively I believe it costs $100,000 to get to OT level VII


redspear said:
rocketpig said:
dtewi said:
Okay here is the story.

Some galacting king named Xenu ruled the Galactic Federation. One day the galaxy became overcrowded so he froze aliens, stocked them on jets, sent them to earth, and melted them in volcanoes. The alien's spirits came up but Xenu used soul catchers and forced them to watch a movie about earth's "fake" history, and sent them off to find human hosts.

I never get tired of that story. It's just so crazy that it never fails to amuse me, doubly so because people actually buy into it.

Yeah and that si both literally and figuratively I believe it costs $100,000 to get to OT level VII

Oh, me using the phrase "buy into it" was completely intentional in that post.

Or check out my new webcomic:



What the fukk are OT's?

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I dont agree with thier terrorist tactics.

Someone should give these guys a hug.

I am WEEzY. You can suck my Nintendo loving BALLS!



hibikir said:
rocketpig said:
It's sad how some of you think it's okay to ban a religion, no matter how wacky it may be. It's not as if Scientologists are out to harm people.

If anything, I welcome crackpot religions. It makes it easier to weed out the morons with labels like "Scientologist". When someone tells you they're a Scientologist, it's a huge red flag that immediately instructs you to cease communication with said person and quickly walk in the other direction.

 There's a big difference between a crackpot religion an a cult. A crackpot religion is just not mainstream. Nothing wrong with that. A cult uses coercive persuation and other techniques to make people join, and then exploit their members. Preying on the weak and taking them for all they are worth is not something that should be rewarded with tax credits and special legal status.

You know all organizational religion does all of this stuff to a certain extent. To some peopel a cult is anythign that is not their own religion to others it is a relgion that is seriously different to the point they can't comprehend it. Essentially a cult is a relgion that is run by people who know what they are saying is false and it does usually involve brainwashing and exploitation. Scientology to me is or atleast was a Cult it may not be anymore since L Ron Hubbard is dead and I am not sure the heads of scientology really believe their own stuff ro not but if they do than I woudl say ti is a religion a crack pot one but still a religion.


BTW brainwashing techniques works best on smart people. It is kind of funny because the simpsons got ti right.


nahanahanahanahah BATMAN nahanahnanahanana LEADER!

rocketpig said:
dtewi said:
Okay here is the story.

Some galacting king named Xenu ruled the Galactic Federation. One day the galaxy became overcrowded so he froze aliens, stocked them on jets, sent them to earth, and melted them in volcanoes. The alien's spirits came up but Xenu used soul catchers and forced them to watch a movie about earth's "fake" history, and sent them off to find human hosts.

I never get tired of that story. It's just so crazy that it never fails to amuse me, doubly so because people actually buy into it.

I like your view on religion. As a cult, scientology is unusually widespread. It could have something to do with, that Tom Cruise, and who were the others, being a member. Without Tom Cruise, no one would even know what scientology is.

Ei Kiinasti.

Eikä Japanisti.

Vaan pannaan jalalla koreasti.


Nintendo games sell only on Nintendo system.

vaio said:

Can someone pleae inform me what this so called religion is about?

I don´t know anything besides that Tom Cruise is in to it and Hubbard started it.

If you have adresses that i could visit to find out it would be appriciated.

It's a religion founded by a science fiction writer who degenerated into lunacy as he surrounded himself with people who agreed with his every word. Many of his acquaintances from before his Scientology days say that he was always prone to inventing wild stories about his past and swearing they were true even though they were plainly impossible.

On the outside, Scientology recruits people by promoting itself as a therapy. They claim that Scientology is not incompatible with any other religion. Once you're recruited you go into a tiered system. You learn more about Scientology as you move up in ranks. To move up the ranks you have to pay for training sessions. If you can't afford the training, you can pay for them by working for the Church of Scientology. If you don't complete the training sessions to their satisfaction you have to pay for the course again if you want to move up. Progression requires money and compliance to Scientology.

 The early training sessions are sort of self-helpish training for being better at life sorts of things. As you move up, you learn more about Scientology and its beliefs and you're taught that as you move up you will become a better person. Later on they start telling people that inside everyone there's an ominipotent spirit called a thetan and that they will be able to free the true powers of their thetan if they keep moving up.

Pay enough and you get to find out why your thetan is stuck in your loser body. It turns out that a long time ago there was a space dictator named Xenu who wanted to get rid of the excess population in his space empire. So he packed up all of the people he wanted to get rid of and brought them to Earth. On Earth he brainwashed them to believe in various things which would trap their immortal thetans on Earth. Hubbard claims that the images from the brainwashing have formed the basis of all human religions other than Scientology. Then Xenu put hydrogen bombs in volcanoes and blew up all of the people. Rather than go and be free the traumautized thetans gathered together in clumps and today there are lots of thetans sticking to your body that prevent your thetan from being the stud he's capable of being. But fortunately Scientology can help you rid yourself of these pesky thetans.

 L. Ron Hubbard also wrote lots of other interesting things from tips on childcare to his idea that science fiction is just people remembering their trillions of years worth of past lives. Oh, and if you're concerned about the possibility of Xenu coming back, don't worry. He was later overthrown and trapped in a stasis field where he remains to this day.


Wikipedia is a good source for more information

"Ho! Haha! Guard! Turn! Parry! Dodge! Spin! Ha! Thrust!" -- Daffy Duck
vaio said:

Can someone pleae inform me what this so called religion is about?

I don´t know anything besides that Tom Cruise is in to it and Hubbard started it.

If you have adresses that i could visit to find out it would be appriciated.

It's basically one big, very poorly written science fiction novel (Hubbard wrote lots of those).

Watch the South Park scientology episode and you'll see what I mean (that's not the only exposure I've had to the "religion" though)