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Forums - General Discussion - Scientology's going down, Anonymous will take care of it.

@ damkira: Pretty much. The story behind Scientology is that Hubbard, a talentless hack of a sci-fi author who was paid by the word, was sitting around one day bemoaning the fact that he wasn't making enough dough. In a stroke of genius, he decided he would start a new religion. So he made up some BS about how humans came to Earth in spaceships that looked oddly like fighter jets and how we all have Thetans within us who make us depressed or some crap. Oh, and there's something about some bloke named Xenu somewhere in there also, but I don't remember it. Suffice to say, it's completely ridiculous, and it just exists as a scam to get you to plunk down your life savings on their "training courses."

However, should you meet a Scientologist, you must under NO circumstances humor them. Just run. These people are cultists, and they're VERY good at breaking down your barriers and indoctrinating you into their bullshit.

Oh, and I almost forgot. Hubbard basically declared that it's okay in Scientology to lie, cheat, steal, and do all manner of other things to anyone who disparages the "faith". They're a bunch of immoral bastards, and they should be banned from everywhere.

"'Casual games' are something the 'Game Industry' invented to explain away the Wii success instead of actually listening or looking at what Nintendo did. There is no 'casual strategy' from Nintendo. 'Accessible strategy', yes, but ‘casual gamers’ is just the 'Game Industry''s polite way of saying what they feel: 'retarded gamers'."

 -Sean Malstrom



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Okay here is the story.

Some galacting king named Xenu ruled the Galactic Federation. One day the galaxy became overcrowded so he froze aliens, stocked them on jets, sent them to earth, and melted them in volcanoes. The alien's spirits came up but Xenu used soul catchers and forced them to watch a movie about earth's "fake" history, and sent them off to find human hosts.

Kimi wa ne tashika ni ano toki watashi no soba ni ita

Itsudatte itsudatte itsudatte

Sugu yoko de waratteita

Nakushitemo torimodosu kimi wo

I will never leave you

its an evil cult... hate to say it but the KKK is more respectful then Scientology and thats sad.. really sad... only thing thats worse is the Westboro Baptist church clut.

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It's sad how some of you think it's okay to ban a religion, no matter how wacky it may be. It's not as if Scientologists are out to harm people.

If anything, I welcome crackpot religions. It makes it easier to weed out the morons with labels like "Scientologist". When someone tells you they're a Scientologist, it's a huge red flag that immediately instructs you to cease communication with said person and quickly walk in the other direction.

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dtewi said:
I expect a religion war to break out here.

 Or Scientologists coming on here and threatening to sue the original poster....


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dtewi said:
Okay here is the story.

Some galacting king named Xenu ruled the Galactic Federation. One day the galaxy became overcrowded so he froze aliens, stocked them on jets, sent them to earth, and melted them in volcanoes. The alien's spirits came up but Xenu used soul catchers and forced them to watch a movie about earth's "fake" history, and sent them off to find human hosts.

I never get tired of that story. It's just so crazy that it never fails to amuse me, doubly so because people actually buy into it.

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Yeah. Like some guy too pussy to even reveal his name will take down a multi-billion dollar empire. We all know Scientology sues and kills its critics, so if this thing ever escalated into the main stream (NB it's not gonna happen), they would just ask YouTube for his IP address and identify him in an instant.

rocketpig said:
It's sad how some of you think it's okay to ban a religion, no matter how wacky it may be. It's not as if Scientologists are out to harm people.

 What they do is illegal. 

mr-money said:
Yeah. Like some guy too pussy to even reveal his name will take down a multi-billion dollar empire. We all know Scientology sues and kills its critics, so if this thing ever escalated into the main stream (NB it's not gonna happen), they would just ask YouTube for his IP address and identify him in an instant.

 *for everyone person you take down, ten others of us will stand up*


That makes this ""fight""" interesting..

tombi123 said:
rocketpig said:
It's sad how some of you think it's okay to ban a religion, no matter how wacky it may be. It's not as if Scientologists are out to harm people.

What they do is illegal.

What is illegal about it? I can't watch the videos because I have no speakers on this computer.

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