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Forums - NSFW Discussion - Is American and Chinese societies breeding pre-mature ejaculators?

Masturbation does not equal sex. If anything, we live in an era where the male might actually care if the female enjoys it or not. In previous periods, "premature" probably meant "normal".

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xwan said:
Otakumegane said:
xwan said:
Are you describing yourself? because masturbating to porn on the internet probably help build endurance? And masturbation has been the norm for millions of years...not just "recently", check the cave paintings.

Porn has actually been proven to cause people to pre-maturely ejaculate. Idk where to find the study though.

Find me that 'study'....because its' going to be a hard study to design. How do you find two large groups of young people, one that has not seen porn and oen that has seen porn and you track their start of masturbation to ejaculation time? If your study is survey based, u can throw it away, it doesn't prove anything. Only thing that prove cause and effect is a double blind randomized controlled trial; in this case, nearly impossible to do and probably wont' get approve for doing (imagine, u have to force group 2 to watch porn and masturbate compulsively). You probably get sue doing that study on ethical basis

Porn is actually causing a huge epedemic of erectyle disfunction, not premature ejaculation.

Watch all of it, then get back to me.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

mrstickball said:

Porn is actually causing a huge epedemic of erectyle disfunction, not premature ejaculation.

Watch all of it, then get back to me.

I already watched all the porn. Now what?

xwan said:
Otakumegane said:
xwan said:
Are you describing yourself? because masturbating to porn on the internet probably help build endurance? And masturbation has been the norm for millions of years...not just "recently", check the cave paintings.

Porn has actually been proven to cause people to pre-maturely ejaculate. Idk where to find the study though.

Find me that 'study'....because its' going to be a hard study to design. How do you find two large groups of young people, one that has not seen porn and oen that has seen porn and you track their start of masturbation to ejaculation time? If your study is survey based, u can throw it away, it doesn't prove anything. Only thing that prove cause and effect is a double blind randomized controlled trial; in this case, nearly impossible to do and probably wont' get approve for doing (imagine, u have to force group 2 to watch porn and masturbate compulsively). You probably get sue doing that study on ethical basis

Trust me, i have done "rush jobs" before haha, everyone does.

badgenome said:
mrstickball said:

Porn is actually causing a huge epedemic of erectyle disfunction, not premature ejaculation.

Watch all of it, then get back to me.

I already watched all the porn. Now what?

....Watch some more! We're already infected!

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Theres nothing worse than blowing your load within a minute. But hey it happens from time to time and you still had an orgasm and now you can get an early night too.

I guess the real question is, if you are a premature ejaculator, do you just make up for the time with other maneuvers to your partner, or are you willing to take a SSRI like Zoloft, which has the side effect anorgasmia, or take a Trazadone that gives you a boner? Or take a Cilias to make you harder/longer? All methods work, but should ask your partner first though. HE/She may not care as much as you do, just ask her...u will be surprise the answer u get.

i can't watch that video yet, i am at work today lol...the nurses would be like, oh my god doctor what are u watching..that will be bad

spurgeonryan said:
Poor Icelandic females.

@ ninplup

Never, but I read an article in a newspaper about them.

There is your problem. You read a newspaper about them.

RedInker said:
Theres nothing worse than blowing your load within a minute. But hey it happens from time to time and you still had an orgasm and now you can get an early night too.

Not everyone takes two days to orgasm like you, Butters.