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Forums - Gaming Discussion - PS3 sales surpass Xbox 360 (Shipped Numbers)- report

To those who doesn't believe this IDC report:

It is highly likely IDC got the information from Microsoft and Sony regarding to the shipment figures. I think Sony and MS already knew how many consoles they shipped in last Q, but just wait for the date to announce it.

To those who is favor in X360 like me:

Don't argue these numbers. Just accept it. X360 did great, but it had some issues in Mainland Europe, Japan and emerging markets. MS needs to face this issue and see how important these markets are. Without these markets, Xbox brand will never defeat its competitors. This is a great lesson for MS. Anyway, we should be still pleased with Xbox360 sales performance this gen.

Around the Network
Carl2291 said:
Some people are so quick to believe anything they read.

I guess i'm one of those some people.

Wander_ said:
Carl2291 said:
Some people are so quick to believe anything they read.

I guess i'm one of those some people.

maverick40 said:

Fallon looks HOT im like OMG!!.........Can someone please turn on the AC

Around the Network
maverick40 said:

lol this gif would be perfect in the neogaf thread.

It wouldn't surprise me. Nor do I find it surprising that it's not reflected in VGChartz sales numbers considering the inherent Pro Nintendo / Microsoft / Anti-Sony bias that's always been present in this site.

kowenicki said:
zhao3gold said:
To those who doesn't believe this IDC report:

It is highly likely IDC got the information from Microsoft and Sony regarding to the shipment figures. I think Sony and MS already knew how many consoles they shipped in last Q, but just wait for the date to announce it.

To those who is favor in X360 like me:

Don't argue these numbers. Just accept it. X360 did great, but it had some issues in Mainland Europe, Japan and emerging markets. MS needs to face this issue and see how important these markets are. Without these markets, Xbox brand will never defeat its competitors. This is a great lesson for MS. Anyway, we should be still pleased with Xbox360 sales performance this gen.

No... it really isnt likely at all.  To say that is very naive.

Shipment fugures will be released in quarterly reports to investors first.   Not to some external organisation that is trying to maske money from a predictive report.  It would be extremely inappropriate and there would be uproar if they released them to an extrernal body first.  You dont know how business works.

Oh great you're here. I'm OUT see ya guys.

Wander_ said:
Chandler said:
Wander_ said:
Chandler said:
Wander_ said:

Everytime i remember the Wii i see dead people.

100 million of them.


Correction: 98.8 million of them.

Thats still 26 million more skeletons than hardcore gamers. I think Wii won. Gotta hafta deal with it.

i am a gamer so i count how many gamers bought the Wii and i say 80% are chicks who think they can lose weight by swinging there arms around.

more serious hardcore gamers are buying the ps3 than Wii. That's why ps3 has already won this gen even though we're in 2ND place hopefully.

It is pathetic nerdy posts like this one that remind me why I need to stop spending so much time at this site..

And no data to back it up :p Soooo, PS3 did it twice in the last 3 months, heh.